10.30. So, when I arrived at 11 o'clock, Tom wasn't there.

When I arrived at the party, Tom wasn't there.

He had gone home.

This is the past perfect tense:

I/he/she (etc.) had (= I'd/he'd/she'd etc.) gone

I/he/she (etc.) hadn't gone

Had you/he/she (etc.) gone?

and § 26 of Reference Grammar in your text book.

a) Try to find out the answers to the following questions:

Do we use Past Perfect for a past action which happened before another past action?

Give examples for this rule, using the sentences of § 26.

Do we use Past Perfect for a past action which happened before a stated past time? Give examples for this rule using the sentences of § 26. Which time expressions are used with Past Perfect? в) Tell the rule of building of the Past Perfect Tense using the following scheme.

Past Perfect had

-V (or Past Participle)

2) Language work. Виконання тренувальних вправ, а) Виконання додаткової вправи.


Henry and His guests Henry invited some friends to his flat for a meal. Look at the things that he did and didn't do, before his guests arrived. Complete the phrases, using the Past Perfect.

0 He bought the food.

1 He cleaned the flat.

2 He didn't buy anything to drink.

3 He had a shower.

4 He changed his clothes.

5 He started preparing the meal.

6 He didn't finish preparing the meal.

By the time his guests arrived: 0 he had bought the food. 1 2 3 4 5 6

в) Finish the sentence in turn. Закінчити речення. Example:

The last time I was pleased was because...

The last time I was pleased was because I had received a present.

Ben could write the letter because... She failed her exam because... She was sad because... His hands were dirty because... He was wet because... They were hungry because They were tired because... He had a black eye because...

Oral Practice 2. Складання діалогів з використанням речення в Past Perfect Tense.

Т: Last Monday you had an argument with you best friend.

However, later you realized that the argument was all your fault. Make up a short dialogue explaining why you behaved in such a way.


You. I'm sorry we argued last Monday.

But I was angry because I had had lots of problems that day.

Your friend:______________________


Reading 3. Пред'явлення тексту для читання "Autumn in England", впр. 29 (стор. 32).

1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовки до читання тексту.

Problem solving.

Т: What do you think?

Read some lines from a poem of the English Poet and writer Rudyard Kipling "The Glory of the garden" (1911).

Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made By singing "Oh, how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade! T: Say why England is so beautiful.

2) While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту та виконання вправ під час читання.

Т: Read and find the English equivalents in the text. На початку осені сільська місцевість чудова. Наприкінці осені погода стає холодною. На ланах багато корів і овець.

Листя на деревах змінюють свій колір з зеленого на коричневий і червоний. Холодні вітри дмуть з моря.

3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання післятекстових комунікативних вправ.

Т: Imagine you have just returned from a trip to England. Tell your friends about your impessions from autumn in this country.


Homework 1. Домашнє завдання.

Впр. З0 (стор. 32).

Т: Translate the sentences into English. Consult § 26.

Впр. 31 (стор. 32).

T: Read and retell the text.

Summarizing 2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T: What have we done today?

When do we use the Past Perfect Tense?


Підтема: Великобританія. Уельс. Контроль, позакласного читання.

Мета: Практикувати учнів в аудіюванні й читанні тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення та максимально повного й точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в ньому. Проконтролювати підготовку позакласного читання.

Обладнання: підручник, текст для аудіювання "Arthur Conan Doyle" (HO,), "True or False" (H02), (HOJ, "Put the events in the order" (H03), "Interesting facts about Wales" (H05).



Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: The topic of our today's lesson is "Great Britain. Wajes".

By the end of the lesson you should be able:to listen and understand the gist and details of the text despite the natural difficulties:

• to identify details from the texts for reading;

• to participate in common conversational exchanges about the topic of today's lesson;

• to discuss task 5 of your Home Reading.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Class survey "Do you like anecdotes?"

Find someone who... Qlga Borys Katya Lesya
Likes to read anecdotes in the newspapers and magazines
Likes to listen to them
Can retell anecdotes perfectly
Knows more than: 10 anecdotes about famous people

T: Work in groups of four. Conduct a survey in your group and tell about the results.


Listening 1. Аудіювання тексту "Arthur Conan Doyle".

1) Pre-Listening Activities. Етап підготовки до слухання тексту. Problem solving.

Т: What do you think?

Do you know anything about Arthur Conan Doyle?

Was he an American or English writer?

Who was the main character of his book?

Whom were some of Holmes's features borrowed from?

2) While-Listening Activities. Етап слухання тексту та виконання вправ під час слухання.

а) Первинне прослуховування тексту.

Т: Listening for the main idea of the text. What do you want to know about the famous English writer, Arthur Conan Doyle? Write 4 main questions and try to find the answers while listening.

(HO1): Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle was born in 1859 in Edinburgh in a family of an architect. He graduated from the Edinburgh University and set up his practice as a doctor.

Conan Doyle got world-wide fame not as a doctor, but as a writer, who created a remarkable character of Sherlock Holmes.

Some of Holmes' features were borrowed from Dr. Joseph Bell, one of Doyle's teachers at Edinburgh University. But the literary model was Edhar Poe's stories.

Holmes and his colleague Dr. Watson first appeared in a novel "A Study in Scarlet" in 1887.

But it was the collections of short stories "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (1892) and "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" (1894) that brought Holmes, Watson and their creator general love and popularity.

The writer tried to free himself from his creation and killed Holmes in the story "The Final Problem", but readers forced him to return to his famous character.

A total of 4 novels and 56 short stories about Sherlock Holmes are not just the most important contribution to detective literature but also the most imitated, parodied and screened literary works in the English language.

б) Повторне прослуховування тексту.

T: Listen to the text again to identify specific information.


True, or False. True False
Arthur Conan Doyle was born in 1859 in Edinburgh.
Having graduated from the University he set up his practice as a teacher.
The literary model of Holmes was Edhar Poe's stories.
His first novel with Holmes as main character was "A Study in Scarlet".
Conan Doyle is the author of 56 novels and 4 short stories.

3) Post-Listening Activities. Етап контролю розуміння прослуханого тексту і виконання комунікативних вправ.

а) Т: Answer the questions on the blackboard When and where was A. C. Doyle born?

What did he do after graduating from the University in Edinburgh?

How did he become world-wide famous?

Who was the main character of his book?

Whom were some of Holmes' features borrowed from?

How can we judge Holmes' popularity?

б) T: Tell about Arthur Conan Doyle using the questions as a plan.

Check on 2. Контроль позакласного читання, завдання 5 (стор. 95—96).

Home Reading і) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовки до читання тексту. Бесіда з учнями.

Т: Can anecdotes about famous people judge their popularity? What is the most famous Sherlock Holmes' method?

2) While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту та виконання вправ під час читання.

(Н03) Put the events in the order they appear in the story.

1. When he paid the cabman, the man said, "Thank you, sir Arthur Conan Doyle".

2. He took a cab from the railway station to a hotel.

3. "Splendid! said sir Arthur". You analyzed the facts absolutely correctly.

4. Sir Conan Doyle once came to Paris.

5. "You name is on both your travelling bags. That fact also helped", said the cabman.

Key: 4; 2; 1; 3; 5.

3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання післятекстових комунікативних вправ.

а) Answer the questions of ex. 2, p. 96.

б) Retell the anecdote about Conan Doyle.

Reading 3. Пред'явлення тексту для читання "Wales", впр. 37 (стор. 33).

1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовки до читання. Т: What do you think?

Why do the English like to spend their holidays in Wales? Wales is known as a land of songs, why?

2) While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту і виконання вправ під час читання, a) Reading for the main idea of the text.

T: Read the text and point out the facts that impessed you most of all.

6) Т: Read the text again to get specific information and say if the sentence is true or false.


True or False. True False
1. The Capital of Wales is Edinburgh.
2. The Welsh people like to sing.
3. Welsh people speak only English as their native language.
4. The mountains in Wales are beautiful.
5. South Wales is the industrial part of the country.

3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання післятекстових комунікативних вправ.

Т: Read some more interesting facts about Wales and make up a quiz about this land.

(H05): Interesting Facts about Wales

Wales had its beginning in the 6 th century.

The Anglo-Saxons called Britain's Celtic inhabitans Wealth (Foreigners).

The Welsh call their country Cymru ["kimru], a word which has the same root as "comrader" (friend, or comrade).

The 1st of March is the church festival of St David, the patron saint of Wales. The 1st of March is the National holiday of Wales. Wales is the smallest land of the United Kingdom. The national symbol of Wales is a leek or a daffodil.


Homework 1. Домашнє завдання.

Т: Tell your classmates about Wales, using the ex. 37, p. 33-34.

Summarizing 2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T: What have we done today? Which activity did you like best?


Підтема: Лондон — столиця Великобританії. Нові ЛО.

Мета: Ввести та активізувати у мові учнів ЛО теми «Лондон — столиця Великобританії».

Практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення (skimming) та максимально повного й точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в тексті (scanning).

Підготувати учнів до самостійного висловлювання про Лондон на основі змісту прочитаного тексту.

Обладнання: підручник, карта Лондона, фотографії або картинки з видами Лондона або кольорові плакати з його видами на дошці, "Match the Pairs" (HO1), (НО2), "Which sentences do not fit to the text" (H03).



Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Today we are going to talk about London, the capital of Great Britain. By the end of the lesson you should be able:

• to recognize, understand new words and word combinations in the text and use them when speaking out;

• to identify main ideas and details from the text for reading;

• to participate in common conversational exchanges about the topic of today's lesson.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Робота з висловлюванням про Лондон. Quotation:

"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford". (Samuel Johnson)

T: Listen to the quotation from the teacher's voice.

Read and translate.

Do you agree with this quotation about London or not? Why?


Vocabulary 1. Повторення раніше вивчених ЛО теми "Town Features".

Review іs Eliciting. Схематичний запис слів, що асоціюються в учнів з даною темою.

Т: Do you remember the names of main town's features?

Let's refresh them by making up "Mind Map" for this topic.

2) Competition. Практикування учнів у вживанні вивчених ЛО.

Т: Make up as many sentences as you can to describe a modern town or city.

Presenting 2. Уведення та первинна активізація нових ЛО теми "London is the capital of Vocabulary Great Britain".

1) Practising pronunciation. Виконання впр. 42a (стор. 37-38).

Read the words, word-combinations and sentences together with the translation.

2) Translating the sentences. Переклад речень.

T: Cover the right side of the page and translate the words, word-combinations and sentences into Ukrainian.

3) Matching. Знайти пару.


Match the words, word-combinations with their translation.
1. a tomb а) Westminsteri apátság
2. great statesman b) ipari terület
3. Westminster Abbey c) sír
4. an industrial district d) közigazgatási központ
5. business centre е) államférfi
6. banks and offices f) bankok és hivatalok
7. administrative centre g) üzleti központ

Key: 1с; 2е; За; 4b; 5g; 6f; 7d.


Match the sentences with their translation.
1. Westminster is the administrative centre of London. a) East End — a főváros ipari része.
2. The City is the business centre of London. b) Westminster — London közigazgatási központja.
3. To the west of Westminster is the West End. с) Westminsteri apátság — egy szép régi templom.
4. Westminster Abbey is an old beautiful church. d) A City — a város üzleti központja.
5. The East End is the industrial district of the capital. е) Az East End a Westminstertől keletre terül el .

Key: lb; 2d; Зе; 4с; 5а.

4) Practising vocabulary. Закінчити речення.

Т: Finish the sentences using the words and word-combinations of ex. 49, p. 37-38. London is... The City is... Westminster is...

The West End is to the west of...

The East End is...

Westminster Abbey is...

In Westminster Abbey there are tombs of...

Reading 3. Пред'явлення тексту для читання "London", впр. 38 (стор. 34-37).

1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовки до читання тексту.

а) Problem solving.

Т: What do you think?

Why do people often collect post-cards with places of interest pictured on them?

Why are they interested in the history of cities, towns and villages?

Do you want to know more about different cities and towns in our country and abroad?

б) Read and pronounce correctly.

Greenwich meridian

Thames residence

Buckingham Palace ceremony

Westminster differ (from)

Westminster Abbey Piccadilly Circus

2) While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту та виконання вправ під час читання.

a) Skimming. Переглядове читання тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення про його зміст.

T: What do you want to know about London?

Write five questions and then try to find out the answers while looking through the text. 6) Scanning. Читання тексту з метою максимально повного та точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в ньому та критичного її осмислення. Т: Read the text again, then do the following activity.

(H.03): Which sentences do not fit to the text about London?

1. London is one the word's biggest cities.

2. London is a great industrial and cultural centre with the population of more than ten million people.

3. Buckingham Palace is known as "queen's house".

4. London consists of three main districts.

5. The City is the business centre of London.

6. Opposite the houses of Parliament is the Stock Exchange.

7. Piccadilly Circus is the heart of London's West End.

Key: 2, 4, 6.

T: Find out in the text the sentences or parts of them which correspond to the following Ukrainian ones. Ex. 39, p. 37.

3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання післятекстових комунікативних вправ.

а) Т: Read the questions in English and answer them. Ex. 49, p. 39.

б) Tell which 4 facts from the text about London impressed you most of all. The following expressions will help you to tell about it.

It was interesting for me to know...

I hardly believed that, but...

It should be mentioned here about...

Without doubt the information about..., was of great importance for me.


Homework 1. Домашнє завдання.

Впр. 42 (стор. 38).

Впр. 43 (стор. 38).

Т: Use the table "English Tenses" (p. 129 "Reference Grammar".)

Summarizing 2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T: What have we done today?

Do you want to know more about different cities and towns in our country and abroad? Why?

Which fact from the text about London impressed you most of all?


Підтема: Лондон — столиця Великобританії.

Мета: Практикувати учнів в аудіюванні тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення й максимально повного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в ньому. Підготувати учнів до самостійного висловлювання на основі змісту прослуханого тексту.

Обладнання: підручник, карта Лондона, види Лондона на кольорових плакатах великого формату на класній дошці та з обох боків класної кімнати, щоб створити ілюзію подорожі Лондоном на дабл-декері, "Listen and say".



Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

We've got an unusual lesson today — London sightseeing tour. Would you like to pretend to be a participant of a tourist group inside the beautiful double-decker bus? О. K. We are going to do sightseeing and learn a lot of interesting things. By the end of the lesson you should be able to:

• to identify main ideas and details from the text for listening;

• to participate in common conversational exchanges about the topic of today's lesson.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Робота з висловлюваннями про Лондон. Quotation:

"I hope to see London before I die".

(William Shakespeare, "Henry IV")

T: Listen to the quotation from the teacher's voice.

Read and translate.

Do you agree with this quotation about London? Why?


Listening Пред'явлення тексту для аудіювання "London sightseeing tour".

1) Pre-Listening Activities. Етап підготовки до слухання тексту.

а) Listen and repeat.

French Covent Garden

European Buckingham Palace

Admiral Nelson St. James' Park

Sir Christopher Wren Regent Park

Westminster Abbey Changing the Guard

Piccadilly Circus Hyde Park

St. Paul's Cathedral William the Conqueror

б) Listen, read and guess the meaning of the words. Architect interesting Statue democratic tourist legend column pelican parliament

2) While-Listening Activities. Етап слухання тексту та виконання вправ під час слухання.

а) Первинне прослуховування тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення про його зміст.

Т: Listen to the text "London Sightseeing Tour". Look at the map of London and try to find the places which we're going to see.

London Sightseeing Tour

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! We welcome you to London. London is one of the largest cities in the world. About seven million people live here. London is more than two thousand years old.

Every year, more than nine million people come from countries all over the world to visit London. They go to the theatres and museums; they look at interesting old buildings, many of them are hundreds of years old; they sit or walk in the beautiful parks, or have a drink in a pub.

They go to Oxford Street to look at the shops.

London's most famous sights are Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square and St. Pauls' Cathedral.

You'll see all these places and much more of London from our red double-decker.

We start from Trafalgar Square, the main square of central London, where a number of famous buildings and monuments, including the National Gallery and Nelson's Column are situated. The square is popular with visitors, who come to relax by the fountains there or to feed the pigeons.

Nelson's Column is a tall column nearly 185 feet (44 m) high with a statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

To the left of us you can see the National Gallery. It has got a fine collection of European paintings.

Now we are coming to Piccadilly Circus. It is the meeting point of six streets. It is famous for its brightly lit neon advertisements an night.

We've just passed Piccadilly Circus and now we are making our way to Buckingham Palace. Look right. We are passing Hyde Park.

Hyde Park has got a lake in the middle called the Serpentine, and you can take a boat out on the water.

It is a good place to get away from the crowds and the noise of the city.

You can listen to the speakers at Speaker's Corner near Marble Arch.

People from all over the world come and speak here. You can ask a speaker some difficult questions if you like. Or you can stand on a box and speak to some of the listeners!

Now we are at Buckingham Palace. It is the London home of the Qur.cu. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. Look, they are changing the Guard. It happens every day at 11. 30 a. m.

We have just turned left and you can see St. James' Park. It is one of the royal parks.

Here you can see pelicans and ducks.

In front of you you can see the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.

The Houses of Parliament is the seat of British government. It is a very large Gothic building. It stands on the left bank of the river Thames and is 984 ft (280 m) in length.

There is only one building there, but it is called the Houses because it is divided into two Chambers — the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Big Ben is the name of the huge clock on the Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament.

The Clock is 313 ft high and 41 ft square.

In a moment you will see Westminster Abbey. It's a royal church. Here you can see the tombs of many British kings and queens and famous people. Now we are crossing Tower Bridge over the river Thames.

From here you can see the Tower of London. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now.

There are a lot of interesting collections in the Tower of London. The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. The Raven Master is the person who gives them food.

And now we are making our way to the famous St. Paul's Cathedral.

It is the greatest work of the architect sir Christopher Wren.

Тема. Життя суспільства. Люди

We are now going along Fleet Street to the Strand. On the right you'll see Covent Garden. It was a big fruit and vegetable market. It is now tourists' shopping Centre with cafes and restaurants. We'll stop here so that you can go shopping.

Our tour has finished.

I hope very much that you have enjoyed this tour of London. Thank you and goodbye.

б) Повторне прослуховування тексту з метою максимально повного та точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в ньому.

(Учитель готує заздалегідь копію тексту, розрізає його на логічні відрізки та послідовно нумерує. Учні виступають у ролі екскурсоводів.)

Т: Here are the tour guide's notes for part of the tour. All of them have their numbers. Take one of them, look it through and be ready to talk about in turn. You are guides now.

Well, listen to your classmates and do the following activity.


Listen and say what you have already seen or visited and what you have not seen
in London yet.
1. London Zoo 11. The Tate Gallery
2. Trafalgar Square 12. The Thames
3. The Houses of Parliament 13. Big Ben
4. The British museum 14. Westminster Abbey
6.Madame Turssaud's 15. The National Gallery
5. St. James' Park 16. The Science Museum
7. The Tower of London 17. St. Paul's Cathedral
8. Buckingham Palace 18. Hyde Park
9. Changing the Guard 19. Tower Bridge
10. Piccadilly Circus 20. Covent Garden
We have already seen:
We haven't seen yet:

Key: We have already seen: 2; 3; 5; 7; 8; 9; 10; 12; 13; 14; 15; 17; 18; 21; 20;

We haven't seen yet: 1; 4; 6; 11; 16.

3) Post-Listening Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту і виконання вправ після його прослуховування. а) Т: Answer the questions.

Is London one of the largest cities in the world?

How old is this city?

What are London's most famous sights?

What is the main square of central London?

What gallery has got a fine collection of European painting?

What place in London is the meeting point of six streets?

Is the Serpentine a lake or a river?

Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen, isn't it?

The Houses of Parliament stands on the left bank of the river Thames.

It is the seat of British government. There is only one building there, but it is called

the Houses. Why?

What is Big Ben?

What is the Tower of London?

б) Висловлювання учнів за ситуацією.

Т: You are on a visitor's bus in London. Which place of interest do you get off the bus to visit? Explain your choice.


Homework 1. Домашнє завдання.

Впр. 51 (стор. 40).

Т: Cover the left side of ex. 49 and translate the questions into English in 1 minute. Впр. 55 (стор. 40).

T: Imagine that a group of London school-children came to your school. Ask them about their city.

Summarizing 2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T: Did you like our London sightseeing tour? Was it difficult for you to be a guide? Why?


Підтема: Життя молоді. Школа у Великобританії.

Мета: Практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення (skimming) та максимально повного й точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в ньому (scanning). Підготувати учнів до самостійного висловлювання про школу в Великобританії на основі змісту прочитаного тексту.

Обладнання: підручник, психологічний тест "What kind of pupil are you?" (HO,), "True or False" (H02), "Finish the sentences" (H03), "Questions for conversation with native speakers" (H04).



Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Today we are going to talk about English schools. By the end of the lesson you should be able to:

• to identify main ideas and details from the text for reading;

• to participate in common conversational exchange about the topic of today's lesson.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

1) Робота над римуванням для підвищення особистісної самооцінки учнів. "Chant to build up your self-esteem".

а) Фонетичне відпрацювання римування.

I'm a student.

I'm a good student.

I'm a clever student

I'm a talented student.

I'm a fantastic student.

I'm the most enthusiastic student.

I'm trying to be the best student in the world.

б) Бесіда з учнями за змістрмримування. Do you like to go to school?

What kind of pupil are you?

Do you feel good at school?

When do lessons begin in your school?

Is it early or not?

How many lessons do you have every day?

Do you get tired after lessons?

When do you have the longest break?

Do you have a snack during the longest break?

Where do you have lunch?

Do you have a lot of homework every day?

You do your homework properly every day, don't you?

How much time do you spend doing your homework?

Do you try to find free time for sport and pleasure?

Is it possible to get good knowledge in your school?

Do you attend any kind of optional courses?

In what way do you try to be a good student?

2) Psychological Test. Виконання психологічного тесту. T: Now, let's have more fun.

Answer the following questions truthfully, and find out if you are a perfect pupil.


What kind of a Pupil are You?

1. When do you arrive at school?

a) just in time;

b) after your teacher has marked your absence;

c) twenty minutes before the lessons;

d) some other time. When?

2. How long does it take you to do your homework?

a) what homework?

b) the time it takes me to travel to school;

c) two hours;

d) other?

3. What are your hobbies?

a) watching cartoons;

b) sport;

c) reading;

d) others?

4. What is your favourite subject?

a) none;

b) P. E.;

c) computer Science;

d) other?

Add up the number of times your score А, В, C or D. Now find out what kind of pupil you are. If you get mainly: c — you are a perfect pupil.

a — the only thing we can say is that you are human (ні від чого людського ти не вільний), b — you are a "mixed-up kid".

d — you like life as it is. You like to be different from other people.



Пред'явлення тексту для читання "English Schools", впр. 48 (стор. 39, частина І) та впр. 61 (стор. 41, частина II, з фрази "When an English schoolboy...").

1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовки до читання тексту. Problem solving.

Т: What do you usually do at school?

Do you find school life boring or not?

What about school in Great Britain?

Do you know anything about English schools?

2) While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту та виконання вправ під час читання.

а) Переглядове читання тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення про його зміст (skimming).

Т: What do you want to know about English schools?

Write five questions and then try to find out the answers looking through the text.

б) Читання тексту з метою максимально повного та точного розуміння всієї інформації, що утримується в тексті та критичного її осмислення (scanning).

Т: Read the text again and say if the sentences are true or false.


True or False. True False
In English schools lessons begin at 10 o'clock in the morning.
In the morning they have four lessons.
During the long break all the pupils go home and have dinner.
After the dinner break they have three lessons.
On Saturday afternoon they stay at home.
Many schools are for boys and girls.


Finish the sentences.

In English schools lessons begin at After the dinner break they have _ The pupils go home at_

Some pupils stay at school for_ One afternoon a week is for _

English schoolboys wear _

English schoolgirls wear_

3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання післятекстових комунікативних вправ, а) Т: Answer the questions.

When do lessons begin in English schools?

How many lessons have they got in the morning?

When do they have a break?

Is the break long or short?

What do they do during the long break?

What do the pupils do during the breaks?

What is the school uniform/of English children?

Do you like it?

Do you like to wear school uniform or not?

6) Т: Imagine that a group of English schoolchildren came to your school. Ask them about their school life.

Use "Questions for conversation with native speakers".


Questions for conversations and correspondence with native speakers.

About School

How far is your school from your home? How do you get there?

Do students in your school wear uniforms? If not, what do you wear?

What subjects do you study in school? How many hours each day? How long do you spend on homework every day?

What kind of examinations do you have? When? How important are they?

What do you like and dislike about going to school?

Does your school have dances and parties? Clubs? A newspaper?

What do you generally do after school each day?

What are your favorite TV programs? How many hours do you watch TV each week?

About Your Home Do you live in a house or in an apartment? What is your building made of? Is there a wall around your building?

How many rooms are there in your home? What is each room called?

How many people live in your home? Are they all related to you? Is your home in the city or in the country?

Do you have any pets? If so, what are they, and what do they eat?

In homes where you have visited, do pets usually live inside the house?

Do the teenagers in your family ever disagree with the adults?

What do teenagers and adults argue about?

What happens when young persons disobey their parents?

How were you punished when you were a young child?

Must young people get permission from their parents to marry?

Do friends from different races/religions sometimes come to your home? Do you visit them?

About Food

How many meals are served each day in your home? What are they called? At what times are the meals eaten? Who prepares the meals?

Are there meals every day that the whole family eats together?

What table manners do parents want their children to learn?

Is there something that is always said before a meal by one or more members of the family?

Is there anything that is usually said during the meal or at the end of the meal? If you need something from another part of the table, how do you get it? Must a child eat everything that is on his plate, even if he does not want it? What kinds of food do you like best? What don't you like? Which member of the family buys the food? Where?

About Other topics

Do most of the adults you know own cars? Do any of your teenage friends own cars? Do many people whom you know use public transportation? (Buses? Subways?)

How often do you see beggars on the streets of your town? Have you ever known any farmers?

Have you ever seen animals used for work (Pulling wagons, for instance)? In your town, do women sometimes wear clothing that looks like men's?


Homework 1. Домашнє завдання

Прочитати ще раз і переказати текст впр. 48 (стор. 39) та впр. 61 (стор. 41). Підготуватися до уроку позакласного читання, завдання 7, частина I, II (стор. 99-100).

Summarizing 2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

Т: "A school should not be a preparation for life. A school should be life". (E. Hubbard) Do you agree with this quotation?

What have we to do to make our school life more interesting?


Підтема: Транспорт у Лондоні та в твоєму місті.

Мета: Повторити та активізувати вживання в мові ЛО теми «Транспорт».

Підготувати учнів до самостійного висловлювання про транспорт у Лондоні.

Практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення (skimming) та максимально повного й точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в ньому (scanning).

Обладнання: підручник, "Catch a bus, take a taxi" (HO,), додаткова частина тексту "About the Traffic in London" (H02), "Which sentences do not fit to the text" (H03).



Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: The topic of our today's lesson is "About the Traffic in London". By the end of the lesson you should be able:

• to talk about city transport and transport in London;

• to revise words and words combinations for this topic;

• to identify main ideas and details from the text for reading.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Lexical Game "Biggies!" Write the sentences on the blackboard.

1) David ran all the way to the stop, but he missed the biggie.

2) A biggie way to get to different places in the city is to use an Underground train. Students should guess from the context what "biggie" means in each case (bus, quick). Then ask students to work in pairs, and to make up two of their own "biggies!" Point out that "biggie" can be a noun, verb, adjective, etc., and explain that it must be possible to guess the meaning. They have to make "biggie", using the topic "City transport".

Now divide the class into two teams, A and B, and proceed as follows: Team A reads out one of their "biggies".

Team В has three chances to guess the exact word. If they guess the word, Team В scores one point.

Tt they fail to guess the word and the context is clear, Team A scores one point. But if the context is not clear, Team A loses a point.

The game continues with teams A and В taking turns to read and guess the "biggies".


Vocabulary 1. Повторення та активізація ЛО теми "City transport".

Review 1) Eliciting. Схематичний запис слів, що асоціюються в учнів з даною темою.

Т: How much do you remember about city transport. Draw "Mind Map" to refresh your knowledge.

2) Competition. Практикування учнів у вживанні ЛО за темою. Т: Make up as many sentences as you can using "Mind Map". Скласти якомога більше речень, використовуючи "Mind Map".

3) Conversation. Бесіда з учнями. Т: Answer the questions.

What is the most reliable means of transport in your town?

Do you know the town you live in very well?

Can you give some advice as to getting around your town?

What number (bus, trolley-bus, tram, shattle minibus) do you take when you go to the central square (central Part, etc)?

What kind of transport do you like best?

What is the usual interval between trains of the underground?

From what time in the morning till what time at night do trams and buses run?

How long does it take you to get to the Palace of sports (Zoo, etc. )?

4) Practising vocabulary. Виконання додаткової вправи на вживання ЛО.

Т: Read the words and word-combinations about "City Transport", refresh your knowledge, then do the following exercises:


Catch a bus, take a taxi
Bus Underground Train Taxi Car
driver driver driver driver
drives drives drivers drives
(£) fare fare (£) fare
catch/take catch/take take go by
get on/off get on/off get in/out get in/out
bus stop underground station taxi rank parking lot

б) T: Cross out the incorrect word in these sentences. They are on the blackboard. She told him to get in/get on the car and fasten his seat belt. Trains to the airport travel/run every half an hour.

We were late, so we had to take/catch a taxi. I left my house a bit late and I lost/missed the bus. в) Are these statements true or false in your experience? Trains are more reliable than buses. Train fares are more expensive than bus fares. Underground stations are nicer places than bus stations. You get to the place you are going faster by taxi than by car.

5) Speaking. Повідомлення учнів за заданою ситуацією. Т: You have a new pupil in your school.

He/she knows nothing about your town's life and how to get around your town. Give him/her some advice concerning kinds of transport he/she should use.

Reading 2. Пред'явлення тексту для читання "About the Traffic in London", впр. 57 (стор. 40—41) та його додаткової частини.


A quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is to use an underground train. The trains run all day and most of the night. It's better to buy a ticket before you get on the train and not to make journey between eight o'clock and ten o'clock in the morning, or four o'clock and six o'clock in the evening. These are called the "rush" hours.

Thousands of people are going to work or coming home again then, and it is difficult to move or to find a place to sit on the train.

There are some special visitors' buses. They take visitors from different countries and cities to many of the interesting places in the city on one journey. It takes about one and a half hours. But visitors can break their journey and get off (and on again) at the different places they want to visit.

London taxis are called «black cabs». Most of them are black, but some are not.

Everyone can stop a taxi if it has a "For Hire" sign on it. The drivers are usually friendly and helpful.

Visitors can take a boat trip along the river Thames. Boats leave Westminster Pier and Charing Cross Pier, and they go to Tower Pier and Greenwich.

Between April and October, visitors can take a longer boat trip to Hampton Court (about four hours) — a beautiful palace in a big park.

1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовки до читання тексту. Problem solving. Т: What do you think?

Are the traffic rules in Britain different from those in other European countries? In Ukraine the cars and buses go on the right side of the street. What about the Great Britain?

Look at the picture on page 40. What means of transport can you see there? Is the street blocked with transport or is the road clear? Why don't we see any people | there?

What part of the day is it? What makes you think so?

2) While-Reading Activities. Етап власне читання та виконання вправ під час читання.

а) Skimming. Переглядове читання тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення про його зміст.

Т: Look the text through and say if the following commonly held beliefs about London transport are true.

In London and in other towns of England the cars and buses go on the left side of the street.

Most of London taxis are black.

б) Scanning. Читання тексту з метою максимально повного та точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в тексті та критичного її осмислення.


Which sentences do not fit to the text about the traffic in London.

1. All the buses in London have a conductor.

2. A quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is to use an Underground train.

3. You can find most of the big shops, hotels, museums, art galleries, theatres and concert halls in the West End.

4. The drivers are usually friendly and helpful.

5. One of them helped me to carry my luggage.

6. The boats were new.

7. London taxes are called "black cabs".

8. Visitors can take a boat trip along the River Thames.

3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання післятекстових комунікативних вправ.

а) Т: Answer the questions.

Are the traffic rules in Britain different from those in other European countries?

Do all the buses in London have a conductor?

What is the quickest way to get to different places in the city?

What time is not good for making journey?

Are the most of London taxis black?

б) T: Imagine you are a participant of a summer Language Retreat.

Ask your host-parents about means of transport you should use to get to your classes.


Homework 1. Домашнє завдання.

Впр. 57 (стор. 40-41). Переказати текст.

Summarizing 2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

Т: Which activities have we done?

Was it interesting for you to know more about London and its traffic? What means of transport do you remember?


Підтема: Найбільші бібліотеки світу. Бібліотека Британського музею — одне з визначних місць Лондона.

Мета: Підготувати учнів до самостійного висловлювання про бібліотеку Британського музею на основі прочитаного тексту.

Практикувати в аудіюванні тексту з метою максимально повного та точного розуміння всій інформації, що міститься в ньому.

Обладнання: підручник, фотографія або картинка з зображенням Бібліотеки Британського музею, текст "Libraries" (HO,), "True or False" (H02), (H03), питання до тексту "Libraries" на дошці.



Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: We are going to talk about libraries today.

Do you know the greatest libraries in the world? Where are they?

By the end of the lesson you should be able:

• to identify main ideas and details from the text for listening and for reading;

• to participate in common conversational exchange about the topic of today's lesson

Warm-up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Game "Sentence Expansion Exercise"

Правила організації гри. Учні діляться на дві команди. На дошці ліворуч і праворуч написано коротку модель речення.

Т: I provide you with a Model sentence. Read carefully the Model sentence. Try to add a single element to expand it. Do it in turn.

A second student of your team adds another element and so on. You have to add adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, clauses or any other elements. Don't cheat!

Which team will expand the longest sentence? Model sentence^. There are libraries in towns Зразки розширення:

There are libraries in different towns.

There are a lot of libraries in different towns. Etc.

Варіант розширення речення (модель однієї з команд).

There are a lot of libraries for adults and children full of books in different languages, telling about different historical events, nations and about the whole world, in different towns, villages and cities.


Listening 1. Пред'явлення тексту для аудіювання "Libraries".

1) Pre-Listening Activities. Етап підготовки до слухання тексту.

а) Answer the questions.

Т: Do you sometimes borrow books from a library? What do you call a person who works in a library? What kind of books can you find there? Do you know the origin of the word "Library"?

б) T: Listen and repeat.

Egypt ['i:d3ipt] В C ['bi'sij

Alexandria [aelig'zaindriə] papyrus [pə'pəirəs]

Assyria [a'siriə] Ptolomy I ['tolami də fə:st]

2) While-Listening Activities. Етап слухання тексту та виконання завдань, а) Первинне слухання тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення про його зміст.

Т: Listen to the text and say if the libraries are an ancient human invention.

(HO1): Libraries

The word "library" comes from the Latin word "liber", meaning "book!"

This is a place where information in print (books, manuscripts, periodicals and musical scores) and in other forms is collected and arranged to serve people of all ages and interests.

Libraries appeared in ancient times in Egypt, Assyria, Green and Rome. Perhaps the most famous library of that early age was at Alexandria. It was found by Ptolomy 1.

By the middle of the first century В. C. there were 700,000 papyrus rolls in the library.

The library today is a centre for all kinds of communications: printed, pictured, recorded, and even electronically stored. People go to the library to read, look, listen, search, relax, discuss, learn, and think.

Libraries can be found in many places. There are libraries in small towns and large cities, and there are libraries in schools, universities, colleges.

The largest and the best known libraries in the world are: the British National Library in London, the Library of Congress in Washington and Russian State Library.

The national libraries of different countries keep in touch and exchange books and information.

Central scientific Library is the largest one in Ukraine.

It was founded in 1919 as the Ukrainian National Library. By 1940, its Collection numbered about 5,000,000 books.

Today the Central scientific Library in Kyiv has got 10,000,000 books, and contains the richest collection of old Ukrainian books.

In addition, there are 350,000 manuscripts from the 15-18"1 centuries, 175,000 musical pieces, 177,000 reproductions.

Libraries are a real wealth of any country.

б) Повторне прослуховування тексту з метою максимально повного та точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в ньому. Т: Listen to the text again and say if the sentences are true or false


True or False. True False
A library is a place where information in print and in other forms is collected.
Libraries appeared in ancient tomes.
There were 700 papyrus rolls in the library at Alexandria.
Central scientific Library is the largest one in Ukraine.

3) Post-Listening Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання вправ після його прослуховування. a) Answer the questions.

What word does the word "library" come from?

What is a library?

Where did the first libraries appear?

What do you know about the famous library at Alexandria? What is the library today? Where can libraries be found? Why do people go to the libraries? What are the famous libraries of the world? What is the largest library in Ukraine? What can you find there? 6) Pretend to be a school librarian. Tell the schoolchildren about the libraries as an ancient human invention. Use the questions on the blackboard as a plan.

Reading 2. Пред'явлення тексту для читання "The British Museum Library", впр. 58 (стор. 41).

1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовки до читання.

а) Answer the questions.

T: Do you want to know more about the famous libraries in the world? Let's read the text "The British Museum Library". How many books does it contain?

б) Read the word-combinations and sentences with the translation. Ex. 62a, p. 42.

2) While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту та виконання вправ під час читання.

Say if the sentences are true or false.


True or False. True False
The British Museum Library is the greatest in England.
Books may be taken from the library.
There is a great oval Reading Room in the middle of the museum.
The British Museum Library contains more than six million
Among treasures there is a Shakespeare's First Folio.
A map of London printed about 1560 is here too.

3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту і виконання післятекстових комунікативних вправ.

а) Т: Answer the questions.

Is the British Museum one of the most interesting sights of London? May books be taken from the Library? What is there in the middle of the museum? How many books does the library Contain?

What is there among the treasures of the British Museum Library?

б) T: You are a guide. Tell about the British Museum Library as one of the most interesting sights of London.


Homework 1. Домашнє завдання.

Впр. 626 (стор. 42).

Т: Cover the left side of the page and translate into English.

Tell about the British Museum Library as one of the most interesting sights of London. Впр. 52 (стор. 41).

Summarizing 2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

Т: What have we done today?

Libraries are a real wealth of any country.

Do you agree with this statement?


Підтема: Наша шкільна бібліотека. Як англійці пишуть листи.

Мета: Поглибити знання учнів про правила оформлення листа англійською мовою.

Підготувати учнів до самостійного написання листа про шкільну бібліотеку.

Обладнання: підручник, комплект "Jigsaw sentences" for Warm-up (HO,), зразок написання приватного листа

(Н02), "Jumbled parts of the informal letter" (H03), текст "The Art of Letter-Writing" (H04), "True or

False" (H05).



Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: The topic of our today's lesson is "The way Englishmen write letters", and "The Art of Letter-Writing".

By the end of the lesson you should be able:

• to get acquainted with the lay-out of informal letter and some rules that you should follow if you want to write an interesting letter to your friend;

• to improve your communicative writing skills;

• to talk about our school library.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Game "Jigsaw sentences".

Give a set of jigsaw sentences to each pair or group of four students. Ask students to make up 3 sentences, then to read them and translate. Which group will be the first one to make up sentences? (The cards are mixed.)

(HO1): Jigsaw sentences:

Every likes to receive letters from friends and relatives
I have writing letters
To write an interesting letter is a real art


Presentation 1. Пред'явлення навчального матеріалу про правильне оформлення листа англійською мовою (Informal letters).

Знайомство зі структурою листа.

Т: Look at the organization of the following informal letter and answer the questions about its lay-out.

What do English people start writing a letter with?

In what corner do they put down their address and date?

Do they write their name there?

On what side of the informal letter does the salutation come?

What is the best way to start the letter in English?

What kinds of salutations do you know?

Do English people put a comma after salutation?

Do they leave a paragraph after salutation and begin the first word with a capital letter?

Look at the main parts of the informal letter on the right hand side of (HO2).

(HO2): Writing letters.

Informal letters

Look at the organization of the following informal letter.

T: What is the first part of the main content of the letter called? What is the name of the last part of the letter? Do we leave some space between the paragraphs?

Do English people write every single idea beginning with a new paragraph?

In what way do they usually finish their letters?

Where do they sign a letter?

Is the signature typed or written by hand?

Practice 2. Закріплення знань про оформлення листа англійською мовою.

Т: You've got jumbled parts of the informal letter. Put them in logical order.

Reading 2. Пред'явлення тексту для читання "A letter", впр. 70 (стор. 43).

1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовки до читання тексту. Problem solving.

Т: Do you agree with the following statements? To write a good, interesting letter is a real art. It is very important to write correctly and neatly.

Read some advices to make sure about the right way of writing your informal letter. The Art of Letter-Writing.

(H04): The art of letter-writing

Everyone likes to receive letters from relatives, friends and people we love. But not all of us like to write letters. Perhaps you have heard people say: "I don't know what to write in letters", or "I hate writing letters".

To write a good, interesting letter is a real art. Here are some rules you should follow if you want to write an interesting letter to your friend.

1. Make the content of your letter interesting.

Make sure that the news which you are eager to share with your friend will be of interest to your friend. Have his/her last letter in front of you so that you can answer all of his/her questions.

2. Have an interesting beginning.

The spirit of your letter is in the first paragraph. Show how glad you were to receive his/her letter or describe the most interesting thing that has happened to you.

3. Think of a good ending.

The final impression is as important as the first one. That's why much significance should be attached to the last words. Never write sentences like this: "Since I have no other news to write, I had better close". This shows that writing this letter is a case of duty not interest, to you. You may close by wishing your friend success in something that you know is of importance to him/her.

Информация о работе «Вивчення теми "Великобританія: видатні міста та особистості" на уроках англійської мови»
Раздел: Педагогика
Количество знаков с пробелами: 93421
Количество таблиц: 24
Количество изображений: 4

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