4.5. Расчетная часть  84



5.1. Анализ условий труда на рабочем месте конструктора оператора ЭВМ 88

Расчет освещенности 94

Возможность чрезвычайных ситуаций 99

Пожарная безопасность  102

Экологичность проекта  104








‘ Main Module Code


Option Explicit

Option Base 0

Public MenuFrom As Integer

Public Canceled As Boolean

Public SelectOn As Boolean

Public SelectIs As Boolean

Public ImageCo As Integer

Public MouseX As Integer

Public MouseY As Integer

Public TotalDocCo As Integer

Public TotalFunCo As Integer

Public TotalRegCo As Integer

Public CurDocument As Integer

Public CurFunction As Integer

Public DocumentIsChanged As Boolean

Public Type RegistrationType

TotalNumber As Long

Discription As String

FileName As String

NameApp As String

FileMask As String

End Type

Public Registrations() As RegistrationType

Public RegistrationCo As Integer

Public Type DocumentType

TotalNumber As Long

FileName As String

CreateDateTime As String

UsedProgramm As Long

Discription As String

ImageIcon As String

ImageText As String

X As Integer

Y As Integer

OutputFunPoints() As Integer

OutputFunPointCo As Integer

OutputDocPoints() As Integer

OutputDocPointCo As Integer

End Type

Public Documents() As DocumentType

Public DocumentCo As Integer

Public Type FunctionType

TotalNumber As Long

FileName As String

CreateDateTime As String

Path As String

UsedProgramm As String

AutomatFunction As String

AutoExeFlag As Boolean

AskBeforeExe As Boolean

Discription As String

ImageIcon As String

ImageText As String

X As Integer

Y As Integer

DocumentsAndFunctionsLink As String

InputDocPoints() As Integer

InputDocPointCo As Integer

OutputDocPoints() As Integer

OutputDocPointCo As Integer

InputFunPoints() As Integer

InputFunPointCo As Integer

OutputFunPoints() As Integer

OutputFunPointCo As Integer

End Type

Public Functions() As FunctionType

Public FunctionCo As Integer

Public Sub ShowDocumentProperty(DocNumber As Integer)

On Error GoTo Err1

MakeDocForm.Label4(0).Caption = FileLen(Documents(DocNumber).FileName)

MakeDocForm.Label4(1).Caption = FileDateTime(Documents(DocNumber).FileName)

MakeDocForm.Label4(2).Caption = Documents(DocNumber).CreateDateTime

MakeDocForm.IconText.Text = Documents(DocNumber).ImageText

MakeDocForm.IconImage.Picture = LoadPicture(Documents(DocNumber).ImageIcon)

MakeDocForm.ImageIconText.Caption = Documents(DocNumber).ImageIcon

MakeDocForm.Discrip.Text = Documents(DocNumber).Discription

MakeDocForm.DocumentName = Documents(DocNumber).FileName

If Documents(DocNumber).UsedProgramm = -1 Then

MakeDocForm.Combo1.ListIndex = RegistrationCo + 1


MakeDocForm.Combo1.ListIndex = GetREGIndex(Documents(DocNumber).UsedProgramm)

End If

Exit Sub


Select Case MsgBox("Произошла ошибка при попытке считать файл.", vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical)

Case vbAbort


Case vbRetry

Resume 0

Case vbIgnore

End Select

End Sub

Public Sub SaveRegCards()

Dim FileNumber As Integer

Dim a As Integer

On Error GoTo Err1

FileNumber = FreeFile

Open App.Path & "\RegisterCards" For Output As FileNumber

Write #FileNumber, TotalRegCo, RegistrationCo

For a = 0 To RegistrationCo

With Registrations(a)

Write #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .Discription, .FileName, .NameApp, .FileMask

End With

Next a

Close FileNumber

Exit Sub


Select Case MsgBox("Произошла ошибка при попытке записать файл регистрации." _

& Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Err.Number & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _

Err.Description, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical)

Case vbAbort


Case vbRetry

Resume 0

End Select

End Sub

Public Sub MemberDocumentProperty(DocNumber As Integer)

Documents(DocNumber).ImageText = MakeDocForm.IconText.Text

Documents(DocNumber).ImageIcon = MakeDocForm.ImageIconText.Caption

Documents(DocNumber).Discription = MakeDocForm.Discrip.Text

Documents(DocNumber).FileName = MakeDocForm.DocumentName.Text

Documents(DocNumber).CreateDateTime = MakeDocForm.Label4(0).Caption

If MakeDocForm.Combo1.ListIndex = RegistrationCo + 1 Then

Documents(DocNumber).UsedProgramm = -1


Documents(DocNumber).UsedProgramm = Registrations(MakeDocForm.Combo1.ListIndex).TotalNumber

End If

End Sub

Public Sub SaveProject(ProjectName As String)

Dim FileNumber As Integer

Dim a As Integer

Dim b As Integer

On Error GoTo Err1

FileNumber = FreeFile

Open ProjectName For Output As FileNumber

Write #FileNumber, TotalDocCo, TotalFunCo, DocumentCo, FunctionCo

For a = 0 To DocumentCo

With Documents(a)

Write #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .FileName, .CreateDateTime, .UsedProgramm, _

.Discription, .ImageIcon, .ImageText, .X, .Y, .OutputFunPointCo, _


For b = 0 To .OutputFunPointCo

Write #FileNumber, .OutputFunPoints(b)

Next b

For b = 0 To .OutputDocPointCo

Write #FileNumber, .OutputDocPoints(b)

Next b

End With

Next a

For a = 0 To FunctionCo

With Functions(a)

Write #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .FileName, .CreateDateTime, .UsedProgramm, _

.AutomatFunction, .AutoExeFlag, .AskBeforeExe, .Discription, _

.ImageIcon, .ImageText, .X, .Y, .DocumentsAndFunctionsLink, _

.OutputFunPointCo, .OutputDocPointCo, .InputFunPointCo, _


For b = 0 To .OutputFunPointCo

Write #FileNumber, .OutputFunPoints(b)

Next b

For b = 0 To .OutputDocPointCo

Write #FileNumber, .OutputDocPoints(b)

Next b

For b = 0 To .InputFunPointCo

Write #FileNumber, .InputFunPoints(b)

Next b

For b = 0 To .InputDocPointCo

Write #FileNumber, .InputDocPoints(b)

Next b

End With

Next a

Close FileNumber

Exit Sub


Select Case MsgBox("Произошла ошибка при попытке записать файл проекта." _

& Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Err.Number & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _

Err.Description, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical)

Case vbAbort


Case vbRetry

Resume 0

End Select

End Sub

Public Sub LoadRegCards()

On Error GoTo Err1

Dim FileNumber As Integer

Dim a As Integer

FileNumber = FreeFile

Open App.Path & "\RegisterCards" For Input As FileNumber

Input #FileNumber, TotalRegCo, RegistrationCo

If RegistrationCo = -1 Then

Close FileNumber

Exit Sub

End If

ReDim Registrations(RegistrationCo)

For a = 0 To RegistrationCo

With Registrations(a)

Input #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .Discription, .FileName, .NameApp, .FileMask

End With

Next a

Close FileNumber

Exit Sub


Select Case MsgBox("Произошла ошибка при попытке считать файл регистрации." _

& Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Err.Number & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _

Err.Description, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical)

Case vbAbort


Case vbRetry

Resume 0

Case vbIgnore

RegistrationCo = -1

End Select

End Sub

Public Sub LoadProject(ProjectName As String)

On Error GoTo Err1

Dim FileNumber As Integer

Dim a As Integer

Dim b As Integer

FileNumber = FreeFile

Open ProjectName For Input As FileNumber

Input #FileNumber, TotalDocCo, TotalFunCo, DocumentCo, FunctionCo

If DocumentCo -1 Then

ReDim Documents(DocumentCo)

For a = 0 To DocumentCo

With Documents(a)

Input #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .FileName, .CreateDateTime, .UsedProgramm, _

.Discription, .ImageIcon, .ImageText, .X, .Y, .OutputFunPointCo, _


If .OutputFunPointCo -1 Then

ReDim .OutputFunPoints(.OutputFunPointCo)

For b = 0 To .OutputFunPointCo

Input #FileNumber, .OutputFunPoints(b)

Next b

End If

If .OutputFunPointCo -1 Then

ReDim .OutputDocPoints(.OutputDocPointCo)

For b = 0 To .OutputDocPointCo

Input #FileNumber, .OutputDocPoints(b)

Next b

End If

End With

Next a

End If

If FunctionCo -1 Then

ReDim Functions(FunctionCo)

For a = 0 To FunctionCo

With Functions(a)

Input #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .FileName, .CreateDateTime, .UsedProgramm, _

.AutomatFunction, .AutoExeFlag, .AskBeforeExe, .Discription, _

.ImageIcon, .ImageText, .X, .Y, .DocumentsAndFunctionsLink, _

.OutputFunPointCo, .OutputDocPointCo, .InputFunPointCo, _


If .OutputFunPointCo -1 Then

ReDim .OutputFunPoints(.OutputFunPointCo)

For b = 0 To .OutputFunPointCo

Input #FileNumber, .OutputFunPoints(b)

Next b

End If

If .OutputDocPointCo -1 Then

ReDim .OutputDocPoints(.OutputDocPointCo)

For b = 0 To .OutputDocPointCo

Input #FileNumber, .OutputDocPoints(b)

Next b

End If

If .InputFunPointCo -1 Then

ReDim .InputFunPoints(.InputFunPointCo)

For b = 0 To .InputFunPointCo

Input #FileNumber, .InputFunPoints(b)

Next b

End If

If .InputDocPointCo -1 Then

ReDim .InputDocPoints(.InputDocPointCo)

For b = 0 To .InputDocPointCo

Input #FileNumber, .InputDocPoints(b)

Next b

End If

End With

Next a

End If

Close FileNumber

Exit Sub


Select Case MsgBox("Произошла ошибка при попытке считать файл проекта." _

& Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Err.Number & Chr(13) & Chr(10) _

& Err.Description, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical)

Case vbAbort


Case vbRetry

Resume 0

Case vbIgnore

FunctionCo = -1

DocumentCo = -1

End Select

End Sub

Public Function GetREGIndex(TotalNumber As Long) As Integer

Dim a As Integer

For a = 0 To RegistrationCo

If Registrations(a).TotalNumber = TotalNumber Then

GetREGIndex = a

Exit For

End If

Next a

End Function

Public Function GetDOCIndex(TotalNumber As Long) As Integer

Dim a As Integer

For a = 0 To DocumentCo

If Documents(a).TotalNumber = TotalNumber Then

GetDOCIndex = a

Exit For

End If

Next a

End Function

Public Function GetFUNIndex(TotalNumber As Long) As Integer

Dim a As Integer

For a = 0 To FunctionCo

If Functions(a).TotalNumber = TotalNumber Then

GetFUNIndex = a

Exit For

End If

Next a

End Function

Public Sub ShowProject()

Dim a As Integer

With MainForm

For a = 0 To DocumentCo

ImageCo = ImageCo + 1

Load .ImageIcon(ImageCo)

.ImageIcon(ImageCo).Top = Documents(a).Y

.ImageIcon(ImageCo).Left = Documents(a).X

.ImageIcon(ImageCo).Visible = True

.ImageIcon(ImageCo).Enabled = True

.ImageIcon(ImageCo).Picture = LoadPicture(Documents(a).ImageIcon)

.ImageIcon(ImageCo).Tag = Documents(a).TotalNumber

Load .ImageText(ImageCo)

.ImageText(ImageCo).Top = Documents(a).Y + 500

.ImageText(ImageCo).Left = Documents(a).X

.ImageText(ImageCo).Visible = True

.ImageText(ImageCo).Enabled = True

.ImageText(ImageCo).Caption = Documents(a).ImageText

.ImageText(ImageCo).Tag = 1

Next a

End With

End Sub


‘Main Form Code


Option Explicit

Option Base 0

Private Sub Form_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)

Dim a As Integer

Dim dX As Integer

Dim dY As Integer

If SelectIs = True Then

dX = X - Source.Left

dY = Y - Source.Top

For a = 0 To ImageCo

If ImageIcon(a).BorderStyle = 1 Then

If ImageText(a).Tag = 1 Then

Documents(GetDOCIndex(ImageIcon(a).Tag)).X = ImageIcon(a).Left + dX

Documents(GetDOCIndex(ImageIcon(a).Tag)).Y = ImageIcon(a).Top + dY

End If

ImageIcon(a).Left = ImageIcon(a).Left + dX

ImageIcon(a).Top = ImageIcon(a).Top + dY

ImageText(a).Left = ImageIcon(a).Left

ImageText(a).Top = ImageIcon(a).Top + 500

End If

Next a


If ImageText(Source.Index).Tag = 1 Then

Documents(GetDOCIndex(Source.Tag)).X = X

Documents(GetDOCIndex(Source.Tag)).Y = Y

End If

Source.Left = X

Source.Top = Y

ImageText(Source.Index).Left = X

ImageText(Source.Index).Top = Y + 500

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim a As Integer



For a = 0 To RegistrationCo

MakeDocForm.Combo1.AddItem Registrations(a).NameApp, a

Next a

MakeDocForm.Combo1.AddItem "Использовать стандартный обработчик", RegistrationCo + 1

MakeDocForm.Combo1.ListIndex = RegistrationCo + 1


ImageCo = -1

LoadProject App.Path & "\pro1.prj"


SaveProject App.Path & "\pro1.prj"

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

If Button = 1 Then

MouseX = X

MouseY = Y

SelectOn = True

With selectrec

.Visible = True

.Height = 0

.Width = 0

.Left = X

.Top = Y

End With

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

If SelectOn = True Then

With selectrec

If Y < MouseY Then

.Top = Y

.Height = MouseY - Y


.Top = MouseY

.Height = Y - MouseY

End If

If X < MouseX Then

.Left = X

.Width = MouseX - X


.Left = MouseX

.Width = X - MouseX

End If

End With

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

Dim a As Integer

If SelectOn = False Then

MouseX = X

MouseY = Y

If Button = 2 Then

MenuMake.Visible = True

MenuRegistration.Visible = True

MenuPropertyes.Visible = False

MenuSeparator.Visible = False

If SelectIs = True Then

MenuDelete.Visible = True

MenuCut.Visible = True

MenuCopy.Visible = True


MenuDelete.Visible = False

MenuCut.Visible = False

MenuCopy.Visible = False

End If

' MenuPaste.Visible = False

MenuFrom = -1

MainForm.PopupMenu RightButtonMenuOnForm

End If


SelectOn = False

selectrec.Visible = False

SelectIs = False

For a = 0 To ImageCo

If (ImageIcon(a).Top > selectrec.Top) And _

(ImageIcon(a).Left > selectrec.Left) And _

(ImageIcon(a).Top < (selectrec.Top + selectrec.Height)) And _

(ImageIcon(a).Left < (selectrec.Left + selectrec.Width)) Then

SelectIs = True

ImageIcon(a).BorderStyle = 1


ImageIcon(a).BorderStyle = 0

End If

Next a

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

SaveProject App.Path & "\pro1.prj"


End Sub

Private Sub ImageIcon_MouseMove(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

If Button = 1 Then


End If

End Sub

Private Sub ImageIcon_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

If Button = 2 Then

MenuMake.Visible = False

MenuRegistration.Visible = False

MenuPaste.Visible = False

MenuPropertyes.Visible = True

MenuSeparator.Visible = True

MenuFrom = Index

PopupMenu RightButtonMenuOnForm

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Menu_Edit_Click()

MainForm.PopupMenu RightButtonMenuOnForm

End Sub

Private Sub MenuDelete_Click()

Dim a As Integer

If SelectIs = True Then

For a = 0 To ImageCo

If ImageIcon(a).BorderStyle = 1 Then

Delete a

End If

Next a

SelectIs = False


Delete MenuFrom

End If

End Sub

Private Sub MenuMakeDocument_Click()

DocumentCo = DocumentCo + 1

TotalDocCo = TotalDocCo + 1

ReDim Preserve Documents(DocumentCo)

Documents(DocumentCo).X = MouseX

Documents(DocumentCo).Y = MouseY

CurDocument = DocumentCo

DocumentIsChanged = True

MakeDocForm.Label4(0).Caption = "0"

MakeDocForm.Label4(1).Caption = str(Now)

MakeDocForm.Label4(2).Caption = str(Now)

MakeDocForm.IconText.Text = "Документ"

MakeDocForm.IconImage.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\DefDoc.ico")

MakeDocForm.ImageIconText = App.Path & "\DefDoc.ico"

MakeDocForm.Discrip.Text = ""

MakeDocForm.DocumentName = ""

Canceled = False

MakeDocForm.Show vbModal

If Canceled = True Then

DocumentCo = DocumentCo - 1

TotalDocCo = TotalDocCo - 1

ReDim Preserve Documents(DocumentCo)

Exit Sub

End If

MemberDocumentProperty DocumentCo

Documents(DocumentCo).TotalNumber = TotalDocCo

Documents(DocumentCo).OutputFunPointCo = -1

Documents(DocumentCo).OutputDocPointCo = -1

ImageCo = ImageCo + 1

Load ImageIcon(ImageCo)

ImageIcon(ImageCo).Top = Documents(DocumentCo).Y

ImageIcon(ImageCo).Left = Documents(DocumentCo).X

ImageIcon(ImageCo).Visible = True

ImageIcon(ImageCo).Enabled = True

ImageIcon(ImageCo).Picture = LoadPicture(Documents(DocumentCo).ImageIcon)

ImageIcon(ImageCo).Tag = Documents(DocumentCo).TotalNumber

Load ImageText(ImageCo)

ImageText(ImageCo).Top = Documents(DocumentCo).Y + 300

ImageText(ImageCo).Left = Documents(DocumentCo).X

ImageText(ImageCo).Visible = True

ImageText(ImageCo).Enabled = True

ImageText(ImageCo).Caption = Documents(DocumentCo).ImageText

ImageText(ImageCo).Tag = 1 '**************** 1 = Это документ

End Sub

Private Sub MenuPropertyes_Click()

Dim temp As Integer

If MenuFrom >= 0 Then

If ImageText(MenuFrom).Tag = 1 Then

temp = GetDOCIndex(ImageIcon(MenuFrom).Tag)

ShowDocumentProperty temp

MakeDocForm.Show vbModal

MemberDocumentProperty temp

ImageText(MenuFrom).Caption = Documents(temp).ImageText

ImageIcon(MenuFrom).Picture = LoadPicture(Documents(temp).ImageIcon)

End If


End If

End Sub

Private Sub MenuRegistration_Click()

RegistrForm.Show vbModal

End Sub

Public Sub Delete(Index As Integer)

Dim a As Integer

Dim b As Integer

If ImageText(Index).Tag = 1 Then

b = GetDOCIndex(ImageIcon(Index).Tag)

For a = b To DocumentCo - 1

LSet Documents(a) = Documents(a + 1)

Next a

DocumentCo = DocumentCo - 1

End If

For a = 0 To ImageCo

Unload ImageText(a)

Unload ImageIcon(a)

Next a

ImageCo = -1

SaveProject App.Path & "\temp~.prj"

LoadProject App.Path & "\temp~.prj"


End Sub


‘Make doc form code


Option Explicit

Private Sub Cancel_Click()

Canceled = True


End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

On Error GoTo Err1

RegDialog2.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly

If Combo1.ListIndex (RegistrationCo + 1) Then

RegDialog2.Filter = "Все файлы|*.*|" & _

Registrations(Combo1.ListIndex).NameApp & "|" & _



RegDialog2.Filter = "Все файлы|*.*"

End If


DocumentName.Text = RegDialog2.FileName


End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

On Error GoTo Err1

RegDialog.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist + cdlOFNHideReadOnly


IconImage.Picture = LoadPicture(RegDialog.FileName)

ImageIconText = RegDialog.FileName


End Sub

Private Sub DocumentName_Change()

DocumentIsChanged = True

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()

DocumentIsChanged = False

End Sub

Private Sub OkButton_Click()

Dim ErrorFlag As Boolean

Dim tmp As Integer

Dim CurObject As Object

Dim retShell As Long

On Error GoTo Err1

If DocumentName.Text = "" Then

MsgBox ("Необходимо заполнить поле ""Документ :""")


Exit Sub

End If

If DocumentIsChanged Then

ErrorFlag = False

tmp = FileLen(DocumentName.Text)

If ErrorFlag = True Then

tmp = FreeFile

Open DocumentName.Text For Output As tmp

Close tmp

End If

End If


Exit Sub


If Err.Number = 53 Then

ErrorFlag = True


Select Case MsgBox("Произошла ошибка номер :" & Err.Number & _

Chr(13) & Chr(10) _

& Err.Description, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical)

Case vbAbort


Case vbRetry

Resume 0

End Select

End If

Resume Next

End Sub


‘ registration form code


Option Explicit

Dim CurIndex As Integer

Private Sub Browser_Click()

On Error GoTo Err1

RegDialog.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist + cdlOFNHideReadOnly


Path = RegDialog.FileName


End Sub

Private Sub Cancel_Click()



End Sub

Private Sub Combo1_Click()

ShowRegCard Combo1.ListIndex

End Sub

Private Sub DestroyReg_Click()

Dim a As Integer

For a = CurIndex To RegistrationCo - 1

LSet Registrations(a) = Registrations(a + 1)

Next a

RegistrationCo = RegistrationCo - 1

If RegistrationCo > -1 Then

ReDim Preserve Registrations(RegistrationCo)

If CurIndex > RegistrationCo Then CurIndex = CurIndex - 1


CardShow CurIndex

Combo1.ListIndex = CurIndex

'ShowRegCard CurIndex


EnabledAll RegistrationCo

End If

EnabledAll RegistrationCo

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()

EnabledAll RegistrationCo

If RegistrationCo = -1 Then Exit Sub


CurIndex = 0

CardShow CurIndex

Combo1.ListIndex = CurIndex

End Sub

Private Sub NewReg_Click()

TotalRegCo = TotalRegCo + 1

RegistrationCo = RegistrationCo + 1

ReDim Preserve Registrations(RegistrationCo)

Registrations(RegistrationCo).NameApp = InputBox("Введите имя приложения", , "Приложение" + str(RegistrationCo + 1))

If Registrations(RegistrationCo).NameApp = "" Then

ReDim Preserve Registrations(RegistrationCo)

TotalRegCo = TotalRegCo - 1

RegistrationCo = RegistrationCo - 1

Exit Sub

End If

Registrations(RegistrationCo).TotalNumber = TotalRegCo

EnabledAll RegistrationCo


Combo1.ListIndex = RegistrationCo

'ShowRegCard RegistrationCo


End Sub

Private Sub OkButton_Click()




End Sub

Private Sub Rename_Click()

Dim a As Integer

Dim str As String

a = Combo1.ListIndex

str = InputBox("Введите имя приложения", , Registrations(a).NameApp)

If str "" Then Registrations(a).NameApp = str


Combo1.ListIndex = a

'ShowRegCard a

End Sub

Private Sub ShowRegCard(NumRegCard As Integer)


CardShow NumRegCard

End Sub

Public Sub ComboRemake()

Dim a As Integer


For a = 0 To RegistrationCo

Combo1.AddItem Registrations(a).NameApp, a

Next a

End Sub

Public Sub EnabledAll(Yes As Integer)

If Yes = -1 Then


Browser.Enabled = False

DestroyReg.Enabled = False

Combo1.Enabled = False

Rename.Enabled = False

Path.Enabled = False

Discrip.Enabled = False

ListExt.Enabled = False

Path.Text = ""

Discrip.Text = ""

ListExt.Text = ""

Label1.Enabled = False

Label2.Enabled = False

Label3.Enabled = False

Label4.Enabled = False


DestroyReg.Enabled = True

Combo1.Enabled = True

Browser.Enabled = True

Rename.Enabled = True

Path.Enabled = True

Discrip.Enabled = True

ListExt.Enabled = True

Label1.Enabled = True

Label2.Enabled = True

Label3.Enabled = True

Label4.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

Public Sub CardShow(NumRegCard As Integer)

Path.Text = Registrations(NumRegCard).FileName

ListExt.Text = Registrations(NumRegCard).FileMask

Discrip.Text = Registrations(NumRegCard).Discription

CurIndex = NumRegCard

End Sub

Public Sub MemberCard()

Registrations(CurIndex).FileName = Path.Text

Registrations(CurIndex).FileMask = ListExt.Text

Registrations(CurIndex).Discription = Discrip.Text

End Sub





Факультет Электроники и Прибостроения

Кафедра Конструирования Электронных Средств  

К защите допустить:

Зав.Кафедрой д.т.н. профессор Боли Л.А.

>  апреля  1997 г.



на тему: Разработка программы контроллера автоматически связываемых объектов для управления конструкторской документацией в среде Windows 95/NT (дипломная_работа).

Руководитель дипломного проекта:к.т.н доцент Косторниченко А.И

(должность, ученная степень и звание)


 по разделу безопасности и экологичности /Коваленко_А.В./  

Дипломант: Сорокин Юрий Владимирович  группа Э-92

(фамилия, имя, отчество, группа)

> апреля  1997 г.

Таганрог 1997 г

Информация о работе «Разработка программы контроллера автоматически связываемых объектов для управления конструкторской документацией в среде Windows 95/NT (дипломная работа)»
Раздел: Информатика, программирование
Количество знаков с пробелами: 135709
Количество таблиц: 1
Количество изображений: 0

Похожие работы


... самом деле включает в себя только данные и их структуру. Таким же образом как и структура OLE клиента, должна выглядеть структурная схема той части контроллера автоматически связываемых объектов, которая отвечающая за взаимодействие с механизмом связывания и внедрения Windows 95. Поскольку, по сути, контроллер должен являться клиентом практически для всех приложений присутствующих в системе, ...

0 комментариев
