5. Read the sentences with adverbs of frequency

I’ve never seen this film.
We’ve just taken his book.
You’ve often come here.
They’ve already done their work.
We’ve not yet charged a price.
Have you ever been to the Crimea.

Read the same in the 3rd person singular.

6. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the different usage of Perfect Tenses:

1.  Economic monopolies have existed throughout much of human history.

2.  The success of specialized marketing developments has caused many older organizations to revise their operating methods.

3.  Keynes’s ideas have profoundly influenced the economic policies of many governments since World War II.

4.  The Titanic had already gone down when another ship arrived.

5.  Some passengers had been in the icy water for hours when they were saved.

6.  When another ship arrived, about 1500 people had already lost their lives.

7.  Ecological concerns will have affected product design and marketing.

8.  By the end of the year the company will have signed this contract.

9.  Who will have finished first?

10.  How much will they have won?

7. A manager went away on business. He left of things to be done. He is back now. Arrange a conversation between him and one of his employees. Study the list. Follow the model.

The list of things to be done:

1. Contact the joint-stock company P-A.

2. Send a telex to Lamberton Robotics.

3. Telephone Mr. Green.

4. Sign the contract for the delivery of equipment.

5. Take the customer’s representatives to the plant.

6. Take part in the talks with the British customer.


A. Have you telephoned Mr. Green?

B. Yes, I have.

A. When did you telephone him?

B. I telephoned him last week.

A. That’s good /fine/ O.K.

Use of the verb «let».

Our teacher never let us speak Russian at English lessons. = разрешает

Let me (us) do it.

Let’s (let us) speak only English.

Let them know about it.

Let the cat out.

= позвольте

= давайте

= дайте

= выпустите

Let them understand their mistakes.

Let her speak English.

= пусть

8. Complete the sentences:

1. Let’s increase...

2. Let me determine...

3. Let me supervise...

4. Let her discuss...

5. Let the wholesalers...

6. Let the small retailers...

9. Translate the following sentences:

1. When he comes to the office he will call the company.

2. We’ll get in touch with them as soon as the goods are delivered.

3. We will clear up the point before he leaves.

4. He couldn’t come to the lecture because he was ill.

5. He walked slowly for he was not in a hurry.

6. As there were no more questions the chairman thanked the reporter for his interesting report.

7. They thought that the bell had rung.

10. Form nouns with the help of the suffixes:

-ant: to emigrate, to dominate, to consult, to participate, to account.

-ese: China, Japan, Sudan.

- ian|-an: statistics, Russia, America, Hungary, Bulgaria, Brazil.

11. Translate English jokes:

A famous Hungarian physicist had just finished reading his scientific paper. It was the first time he had ever made a report in English. After he had finished an American physicist came up to him.

«Say, in what language did you read your paper?»

«Didn’t you understand that?»

«Well, yes, of course. But why did you put in so many English words?»

Информация о работе «Английский язык для экономических специальностей (English for economists)»
Раздел: Иностранный язык
Количество знаков с пробелами: 169587
Количество таблиц: 32
Количество изображений: 6

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