3. Tom was head over ears in love with Avice. As soon as he could, he brought the conversation to her. It irked him to see Julia home.

Julia knew that she must put an end to their affair, she must get over it. The theatre was her only refuge. She felt relief, when it was time to go there. Merely to be inside a theatre rested her. In ordinary life she had to stifle her passion and her anguish, but on the stage she let herself go.

She had never put more of herself into a part.

4. Although Michael himself might not be a good actor, but he knew good acting from bad. So he saw at once that Julia was acting like hell, she was exaggerating and over-acting. Her performance was rotten.

Michael blamed only himself. Julia needed a good rest. He ought to have insisted on her taking holiday long ago. He said they would revive some play. He was even prepared to suffer losses. The only thing, that mattered, was Julia’s health. Once again Julia was struck by his magnanimity. Michael was the only man she could rely on. He would never let her down.

5. She decided to go and stay with her mother. Madame de Lambert, as Michael insisted on calling her, was an old lady well over seventy. Julia had a feeling that in the course of her brilliant career, she had a trifle neglected her mother. Now she could make up for it.

Her mother and aunt led drab monotonous lives and it would be a great joy for them to have her on a long visit. And for Julia it was an opportunity to cut herself off completely for a time from her old life and regain serenity.

Julia, to her great amazement, soon discovered that to them her celebrity was an embarrassment rather than an asset. They didn’t even offer to take her with them to pay calls. Julia was taken aback, when they said that it would be better if she didn’t tell anyone that she was an actress. But her sense of humour prevailed and she felt inclined to laugh.

They made much fuss of her not because she was a great actress, but because she was in poor health and needed a rest.

Portion VIII.

1. Julia often had to listen to women’s stories about how men followed them in the street, how they tried to catch their eye, and how it was difficult to get rid of them. It seemed very flattering to Julia. She often wondered why she’d never been followed. It wasn’t as if she had no sex appeal. And what if not ? Julia decided to put the matter to the test. She had to be sure.

Julia took much pains to look neither too plain nor too respectable. A slight smile hovered her lips. Several times Julia caught her breath catching a man’s eye and expecting him to start following her, but they all passed by without paying any attention to her. It was humiliating. It flashed through her mind that she had chosen the wrong street. But there was nothing to do.

2. Julia almost lost all hope of being picked up. Suddenly she noticed a young man looking at her and never taking his eyes off her. She slandered her pace feeling him behind. It was beginning to look like an adventure. Julia looked forward to getting into conversation with the young man. It was interesting what he would offer. Julia looked at him doubtfully. Judging by his appearance, it was quite clear that he couldn’t afford to invite her to a restaurant. She looked him in the face encouraging him to start speaking. But then suddenly he called her by her name. She was so astonished, that she nearly jumped out of her skin.

3. Julia looked forward to the beginning of the rehearsals. Though Julia had been on the stage for many years, every time she tried a new part she didn’t feel like a leading lady, but as if she was a girl playing her first part. She was glad to meet with other members of the cast. Most of them she knew very well. Only with actors she felt at ease. She was one of them. This atmosphere of make-believe was the only one where she could breathe.

Besides, the rehearsals distracted her mind from disturbing thoughts. She felt that soon she would be able to get over her sorrow. Now Tom was his own master. She didn’t care two straws for him.

4. Julia greeted Avice. They talked about indifferent things, but Julia watched her out of the corners of her eyes. Michael was disappointed after the first rehearsal. It seemed she wasn’t capable of taking directions. He was ready to dismiss her at once. But Julia couldn’t let it happen. Tom would think that Avice was dismissed because Julia was jealous of him. Julia had enough influence on Michael to make him keep Avice in the cast. She suggested that Michael should go through the part with Avice in private. In that case she’d be able to give a good performance. Besides, it was an iron cast part. It was impossible to spoil it. But at the bottom of her heart Julia always remembered that she would have to get even with Avice. She’d never make a success. She’d fail and Julia would see to it. And it would make up for her anguish.

Portion IX.

1. Julia couldn’t dismiss from her mind the curious conversation she had had with Roger. She felt uneasy because he accused her of lacking in personality, he said that Julia didn’t exist apart from her roles.

She had a talk with Charles about Roger. But he didn’t share her feelings. He seemed to sympathise more with Roger than with her. In some way he took Roger seriously. Charles told Julia that she had nothing to worry about, things would straighten out for Roger after a while. She should just leave him alone.

Having heard it, Julia felt ill at ease. Roger was thankful to her, because she had always let him lead his own life. It seemed strange that such different people thought alike.

2. The first night was special in Julia’s life. In by-gone years she had been extremely nervous before it. Since early morning she began to feel slightly sick and towards evening she was so worked up, that she was about losing her presence of mind.

But now, after having passed through that ordeal so many times, she had learnt to check her nervousness. But still, by the time the play was to be begun, she started feeling ill at ease, grew irritable. Those, who knew her well enough, took care to keep out of her way. The necessity to speak to people irritated her, she wished everyone would leave her alone.

But at the bottom of her heart, Julia had a notion that their new play would be a hit. She looked forward to the moment she would face the hall, packed with people and would demonstrate again her power over the public.

3. Michael was the only one, who guessed that Julia had let Avice down. His eyes were shining with complacency. He thought that Julia had played such a trick because she was jealous of Avice to him. He couldn’t but feel flattered. As Julia knew her husband inside and out, she had a notion what he was thinking about. She laughed up her sleeve at his mistake. One couldn’t cure him of his complacency. It would be better to let him think what he wanted. She really was inclined to laugh, though she checked herself, she couldn’t conceal a slight smile.

She had settled a score with Avice. She deserved it because she had a trial to stay in her way.

4. Now Julia was free from the bonds, which had burdened her so much. She had got over her pain and was relishing her freedom. She had been such a fool to take Tom and their affair seriously. But that had been amusing, and it could come in useful for a new part.

Roger had said that her acting was a make-believe. But that make-believe was the only reality for her. She was an artist, who used people’s feelings and her own as a material for the art and beauty creation.

Portion I.

¹ 4.

1) to run a theatre — вести дела театра

2) to write a letter in his own hand — написать письмо от руки

3) to give smb a glance — самодовольно оглядеть кого-либо

4) to know smb inside and out — изучить кого-либо вдоль и поперек

5) to put smb at his ease — успокоить кого-либо

6) to take a weight off smb’s mind — снять тяжесть с чьей-либо души

7) to be in good taste — сделать со вкусом

8) to break oneself of a habit — отучиться от привычки

9) to take smb for smb — принять кого-либо за кого-либо

10) to make an exception in smb’s favour — сделать исключение для кого-либо

11) to be partial — быть пристрастным

12) to make the most of smth — использовать что-либо наилучшим образом

13) to let smb down — подвести кого-либо

14) to comply with smb’s demands — выполнять чьи-либо требования

15) to take smb’s breath away — дух захватывало

16) to do smb a service — оказать кому-либо услугу

17) to turn smb’s head — вскружить кому-либо голову

18) to be out of date — быть старомодным

19) to go straight to the point — приступить к сути дела

20) to take (no) notice of smth — (не) обратить внимания на что-либо

21) to feel (be) inclined to do smth — захотеть сделать что-либо

22) to borrow smth from smb — занять что-либо у кого-либо

23) to lend smb smth — одолжить кому-либо что-либо

24) to raise a sum — собрать сумму денег

25) to make a reputation — заслужить репутацию

¹ 5.

To keep smb a minute, to ask smb to lunch, engravings of theatrical pictures, to mark smb, to persuade smb to do smth, to move into the house, to design the sets for the play, to put on a new play, a star part, to go to a first night, to make clothes in Paris, to prevent smb from doing smth, to tour the country, to rehearse the cast, to work smb hard, to be singularly lacking in hardship, to go on the stage, to make inquiries about smb, a straight part, to have got the makings of a great actress, to be a week or two behind with the rent, to insist on smth, to afford smth.

Portion II.

¹ 4.

1) to seem worth while to do smth. — стоило делать что-либо

2) to be content to do smth. — довольствоваться чем-либо

3) to be worth doing smth. — считать нужным делать что-либо

4) to flash through smb’s mind — промелькнуть (мысли)

5) to be head over ears in love with smb. — быть по уши влюбленным

6) to take a fancy to/for smb. — ужасно понравиться кому-либо

7) there and then — немедля

8) to take smb/smth for granted — воспринимать как само собой разумеющееся

9) to feel at ease with smb. — быть легко с кем-либо

10) to be capable of doing smth. — мочь делать что-либо

11) to exercise tact — призвать на помощь такт

12) the best part of four thousand pounds — большая часть 400 фунтов

13) his face fell — его лицо омрачилось

14) to do smth in earnest — делать что-либо всерьез

15) to do smb an injustice — быть несправедливым к кому-либо

16) it’s no good doing smth — не прходится делать что-либо

17) to put up with smth — мириться с чем-либо

18) to take a risk — идти на риск

19) to keep up traditions — блюсти традиции

20) to make smb scenes — устраивать сцены

21) to be jealous of smb — ревновать к кому-либо

22) to make use of smth — воспользоваться чем-либо

23) to stand in the way — мешать

24) to commit suicide — покончить с собой

25) to fall out of love with smb — разлюбить кого-либо

26) to cause smb unhappiness — приносить кому-либо несчастье

27) to be inclined to do smth — быть готовым сделать что-либо

¹ 5.

The prospect of doing smth, the idea of going on the stage, to afford to do smth, to offer a part to smb, free meal, to lose control of herself, to play a juvenile opposite you, to run for a month, at her suggestion, to suggest that smb should do smth, to be out of job, to have a lot of fun, to brake out (the war), to bring down the house.

Portion III.

¹ 4.

1) to come to smb’s rescue — приходить к кому-либо на выручку

2) to turn smth over in one’s mind — подумывать о чем-либо

3) to get round smb — уговорить кого-либо

4) to have an inkling — заподозрить

5) to run the theatre — руководить делами театра

6) to gain a reputation — завоевать репутацию

7) to take the rough with the smooth — всякое бывает

8) to borrow from smb. smth — взять ссуду у кого-либо

9) to take to doing smth — взяться за что-либо

10) to share expenses — разделить расходы

11) now and then — время от времени

12) to take the trouble to do smth — считать долгом сделать что-либо

13) to get the better of smb — брать верх над кем-либо

14) to spare no pains to do smth — не жалеть никаких трудов для того...

15) to have time to spare — воспользоваться свободными минутами

16) to take smth for granted — считать что-либо само собой разумеющимся

17) to tell smb. smth to smb’s face — сказать кому-либо что-либо в глаза

18) to be about to do smth — предстоять сделать что-либо

¹ 5.

To seize the opportunity, woman’s/man’s part, to play leads, to get on with smb, he couldn’t help seeing, he’d rather do smth than do smth, to mean to smb, to save smb. trouble, to admit, he sacrificed himself for smb, to prevent smb from, to pay attention to smth, to be convinced, hair was untidy, to keep in touch with smb.

Portion IV.

¹ 4.

1) to pass for smb — сойти за кого-либо

2) to make much of smb — уделять большое внимание кому-либо

3) to be inclined to do smth — быть склонным к чему-либо

4) to put smb in smb’s place — ставить кого-либо на место

5) to go out of one’s way to do smth — лезть из кожи вон

6) to be taken by smb — быть покоренным кем-либо

7) to owe smth to smb — быть кому-либо обязанным

8) to bring oneself to do smth — кто-либо должен был сделать

9) to dawn on smb — прийти кому-либо в голову

10) to count upon smb — убедить кого-либо

11) there was nothing doing — ничего не получится

12) to be out of the question — не может быть и речи

13) to exercise tact — применить такт

14) to keep one’s eyes open — быть начеку

15) to take a great deal of trouble to do smth — стараться изо всех сил

16) to be conscious of smth — чувствовать на себе (взгляд)

17) to slacken one’s pace — замедлить шаг

18) to put smb at smb’s ease — ободрить кого-либо

19) to be taken aback — поразиться

20) to make a scene — устроить сцену

21) to give up smth to smb — отдать что-либо кому-либо (место)

22) to put smb off — смутить кого-либо

23) to compliment smb on smth — отпустить комплимент кому-либо

24) to take interest in smth — проявить интерес в чем-либо

25) to give smb a nasty turn — “душа ушла в пятки”

26) it came to doing smth — когда дело дошло до...

¹ 5.

To wonder, to pay much attention to smb, at will, to entertain, to earn a living, to disguise the voice, to have fun, to wonder at smth, to let the theatre, to pay no attention to smb, to insist on smth, there was a knock at the door, to be about to do smth, to catch sight of smth, she couldn’t help thinking, now and then, to take smb to supper, to offer to pay.

Portion V.

№ 4.

1) on one excuse and another — то под одним предлогом, то под другим

2) to be on the good — тем лучше

3) to lay no claims on smb — не иметь никаких претензий на кого-либо

4) to attach importance to smb/smth — придавать значение кому/чему-либо

5) to make much fuss of smb — пользоваться огромным успехом

6) to take a fancy to smb — иметь расположение к кому-либо

7) to have a good influence on smb — оказывать хорошее влияние на...

8) to grudge smb. smth — доставлять (удовольствие) кому-либо чем-либо

9) to be out of the question — и речи быть не может

10) to look forward to smth — ждать с нетерпением

11) to make a point of doing smth — считать долгом сделать что-либо

12) to hold oneself aloof — быть отчужденным

13) to take smb seriously — принимать кого-либо всерьез

14) to be put out — сердиться

15) to be jealous of smb — ревновать к кому-либо

16) to take things as they came — принимать вещи такими, каковы они есть

17) to make a great hit with smb — очень понравиться кому-либо

18) to stick it out — дотерпеть до конца

19) to get even with smb — свести счеты с кем-либо

20) to rack one’s brains — ломать себе голову над чем-либо

21) to have it out — во всем разобраться

22) to gnaw at smb — терзать

23) to turn smth all over in one’s mind — прокручивать в голове

¹ 5.

To keep smb’s head, to afford to do smth, to borrow the money from smb, to fall in with smb’s proposal, to do smb a service, to be capable of amusing oneself, to achieve success, to accept the offers, to play leading parts, to insinuate into a part, to study a part, to build up a character, not to take any notice of smb, to exercise the gift, her heart sank.

Portion VI.

¹ 4.

1) to appeal to smb. — тяготеть к кому-либо

2) to be wrapped up in smb — быть поглощенным (друг другом)

3) to be on familiar terms with smb — быть близко знакомым

4) to encourage smb to do smth — потворствовать кому-либо в чем-либо

5) to do without smb — не обойтись без кого-либо

6) to be worth while to do smth — неплохо было бы сделать что-либо

7) at smb’s request — по чьей-либо просьбе

8) to make an appointment — договориться

9) to grudge smb smth — осуждать кого-либо за что-либо

10) to look smb in the face — смотреть прямо в глаза

11) to tell on smth — сказаться на чем-либо

12) to put up with smth — допускать что-либо

13) to go out of one’s way to do smth — стараться изо всех сил сделать...

14) to break oneself of a habit — отучиться от привычки

15) to attach importance to smth — придавать значение чему-либо

16) to be capable of doing smth — быть способным сделать что-либо

17) to rely on smb — положиться на кого-либо

18) it was no good doing smth — не было никакой необходимости

19) to ring off — положить телефонную трубку

20) to bring the matter up — затеять разговор на тему

21) to take one’s eyes off smb — (не) спускать с кого-либо глаз

22) to make fuss of smb — носиться с кем-либо

23) to turn smb’s head — вскружить кому-либо голову

24) to take a great weight off smb’s mind — снять тяжесть с души

25) to face the truth — смотреть правде в глаза

26) to distract one’s mind — отвлекать свои мысли от чего-либо

27) to cut the date — отменить встречу

28) to take advantage of smth — воспользоваться чем-либо

29) to take smb in — представлять собой

30) to do a good turn to smb — с радостью оказать услугу кому-либо

¹ 5.

To offer resistance, to expect, to have a lot of fun, to put the play, to mind, to occur to smb, to pay attention to smb, to prevent smb from doing smth, to do smb harm, to do smb good, to look forward to smth, to give smb a startled look, every now and then, to matter much to smb, to stay in town, to see the New Year in, the play’s had a good long run, to miss smb, to turn down the offer, an under-study.

Portion VII.

¹ 4.

1) to make allowances — принимать в расчет

2) to acknowledge the applause — выражать признательнность

3) to get over smth — преодолеть что-либо

4) it was no good doing smth — незачем делать что-либо

5) to take a fancy to smth — что-либо нравится

6) to put in a word for smb — замолвить словечко за кого-либо

7) to yield to smth — поддаться (порыву)

8) to take smb in — попасться (“на удочку”)

9) to attach importance to smb/smth — придавать значение чему/кому-либо

10) to make a clean breast of smth — чистосердечно признаться в чем-либо

11) to do smb good — пойти кому-либо на пользу

12) to put an end to smth — положить конец чему-либо

13) her spirits rose — ее настроение поднялось

14) to do without smb — жить без кого-либо

15) to appeal to smb — привлечь кого-либо

16) to be up — случиться

17) when it came to doing smth — когда речь шла о чем-либо

18) to make up for smth — наверстать упущенное

19) to cut oneself off from smth — оторваться от чего-либо

20) to wear mourning for smb — быть в трауре по кому-либо

21) to make a great fuss of smb — оберегать кого-либо

22) to be in poor health — нездоровится

23) to be taken aback — ошеломиться

24) to be relieved to do smth — успокоиться сделав что-либо

¹ 5.

To be worth while to do smth, to go up, to fall, to afford to do smth, to stifle smth, to put oneself into a part, to over-act, a ham acting, curtain calls, to know good acting from bad, to insist on smb doing smth, to revive the play, she was well over 70, to go out.

Portion VIII.

¹ 4.

1) to look forward to doing smth — предвкушать что-либо

2) to care for smb — много значить

3) to make up for smth — вознаграждать за что-либо

4) to look smb in the face — смотреть кому-либо в глаза

5) there was no doing smth — нечего (оспаривать) что-либо

6) to catch smb’s eye — перехватить чей-либо взгляд

7) to catch one’s breath — перехватить (о дыхании)

8) to settle a score with smb — свести счеты с кем-либо

9) to take much pains to do smth — очень стараться сделать что-либо

10) to have influence with smb — иметь влияние на кого-либо

11) to feel at home with smb — чувствовать себя уютно с кем-либо

12) to flash across smb’s mind — заподозрить

13) to take up languages — браться за языки

14) an atmosphere of make-believe — атмосфера притворства

15) to see to smth — заняться (воспитанием)

16) to be worked up — быть возбужденнным, взволнованным

17) to be good at smth — быть профессионалом в чем-либо

18) to go one’s own way — самому себя занять

19) to take up smb’s time — тратить чье-либо время

20) to take smb/smth seriously — принимать кого/что-либо всерьез

¹ 5.

She couldn’t but be pleased, to pay attention to smb, to be not much of an actress, to put on the revival, to act matinee, leading lady, a cast-iron part, to keep smb in the cast, to take direction, to go through the part, to give a very good performance, to attract the attention, to be driving at, to stand in the wings, to bring down the house, to blame smb.

Portion IX.

¹ 4.

1) to dismiss smth from one’s mind — выкинуть что-либо из головы

2) to make a hit — иметь успех

3) to share smb’s surprise — разделять чье-либо удивление

4) to feel ill at ease — делаться немного не по себе

5) to keep out of smb’s way — не попадаться кому-либо на глаза

6) to suppress one’s laughter — подавить свой смех

7) to break down — растеряться

8) to be packed with people — быть забитым людьми

9) to get rid of smth — избавиться от чего-либо

10) to have a notion — иметь предположение

11) to stand in smb’s way — стоять на чьем-либо пути

12) to bring smth out — оттенить (цвет)

13) to catch glimpses of smb — видеть кого-либо мельком

14) to be turned down — быть отвергнутым

15) to get over smth — преодолеть (чувства)

16) to come in useful — использовать

¹ 5.

To feel uncomfortable, to be away, to suggest to smb smth, a dress-rehearsal, to have no intention of doing smth, to take smb out to supper, to sympathize with smb, to give up one’s ideals, she couldn’t but recognize, a stall, to take two by oneself, to accept the direction, to amuse smb, to run (a play), to shake one’s head, to take smth seriously.

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... 1812 года. Оренбург был богат хлебом, сырьем, дешевой рабочей силой, но беден культурой. Здесь не было ни театра, ни циркового балагана. Только в 30-х годах прошлого столетия В. И. Даль, знаменитый русский лексикограф, пытался создать в Оренбурге краеведческий музей. К началу реформы 1861 г. разрыв в уровне промыш­ленного развития России и передовых стран Запада оказался большим, а Крымская война ...


... , работавших над оформлением спектаклей Большого театра - Ф.Федоровского, М.Курилко, В.Дмитриева, П.Вильямса, В.Рындина, Н.Золотарева, С.Вирсаладзе, В.Левенталя. В 1990 году театр вновь обращается к П.И.Чайковскому. Впервые за всю историю Большого театра на его сцене была осуществлена постановка оперы "Орлеанская дева". Эта новая работа режиссера Б.Покровского с большим успехом идет по сей день, ...


... в театре Белинский. Он ви­дел в нем самовластного властелина чувств, способ­ного потрясать все струны души, пробуждать сильное движение в умах и сердцах, освежать душу мощными впечатлениями. Он видел в театре какую-то непобе­димую, фантастическую прелесть для общества. По мнению Вольтера, ничто не стягивает теснее узы дружбы, чем театр. Великий немецкий драматург Фридрих Шиллер утверждал, что « ...

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