Drama theatre in post-war time


3. Drama theatre in post-war time

One of the most barnstorming theatrical groups becomes With the end 40-h years HH age Tobolsk dramatic theatre in country. At periods of the navigations he made the tours on multiple city and village Tyumen North on motor ship "Arcadia Gaydar" and "Petr Sleeve". Aside from large cultural centre Ural-Siberia region, the theatre quite often makes the special tours on remote rural region Siberian "глубинки", hereunder executing role своеобразного spiritual go-between between modern culture and public tradition Tyumenskoy area. Toboliskiy theatre, which is assigned name of the great poet-storyteller P.P. Ershova, to the ful possible consider the public theatre. Alongside with "classical" production theatre puts the plays modern domestic playwright, calls to cooperation stage manager and сценографов from miscellaneous city country, saving theatrical tradition Tobolsk.

4. Tobolsk stage in 60-70th years

On 12 April 1956 celebrating anniversary of the oldest actor Jacob Alekseevicha Zhdanova - 70 years from birthday and 50 years of scenic activity of the actor and the director has taken place. In his statement V.Gusev's play "Glory" has been shown.

Since 1949 the collective of dramatic theatre leaves for 2 thousand kilometers to the Polar circle. On barges trip steamships since Khanty-Mansiysk, the troupe moved to the north, stopping in small and big settlements: October, Salekhard, etc. One and a half - two month in ways, days of intense work, weight of impressions from meetings with people. In 1961 the wheel nicknamed actors "Arkasha" has been transferred to theatre. More than two months in the summer of 1961 the troupe of theatre carries out in tours across the north the Tyumen area. 105 performances are put, served 16 thousand spectators. For the first time performances across the North passed by a theatrical steamship "Arcady Gajdar" (captain P.E.Kopylov) with well equipped stage and auditorium on 150 places. Performances went till 34-35 time. 60-70-N year in life of theatre are marked by creative rise.

High professionalism of direction and general productional culture was distinguished with many performances. The stable creative collective replenished with graduates of theatrical schools of Leningrad, Moscow, Rostov, Novosibirsk. A.Volodina, I.Drutse, A.Vampilova, V.Rasputina's dramatic art defines a direction of art search of theatre. All new works testified to greatness and attractive force of the theatrical art, reigning on the Tobolsk stage.

5. The jubilee years of theatre

In rough XX century the theatre has gone through all shocks with the country. Revolutions, wars, social and natural cataclysms - all this has influenced life of the oldest theatre of Siberia and has generated his unique shape. Nowadays it celebrates the 300-anniversar.y_on 12 November 2004 the P.P.Ershov Tobolsk drama theatre of a name has opened the anniversary season. Townmen and visitors of city have seen performance under Michael Frejn's play "Theatre. Noise offstage" Performance about theatre and actors directed by the winner of the State premium. The honored worker of arts, the owner of the theatrical premium "The Gold mask" director Boris lljicha Tsejtlina.

Сцена из спектакля "Отравленная туника"

As during former times, in foyer music in execution of collectives "Tobolsk - concert" (ORNI and "Gentleman - trio") sounded. Spectators and theatre were congratulated on sign event the Head of city of Tobolsk Eugeny Mihajlovich Vorobjev, the Head of the Tobolsk area Alexander Pavlovich Reshetnikov, representatives of administration of area, city, area and heads of the large enterprises of city. Official congratulations from director of Federal agency of culture and Michael Shvydkov's cinematography, chairman of the Union of theatrical figures of Russia of the national actor of the USSR Alexander Kaljagin and the president of the Russian academy of sciences Jury Osipov have acted.

Has successfully continued a season performance under G.Gorin's play "To forget the Fame-thirsty person ". directed by the young director from Saint Petersburg Tatyanas Zaharovoj becoming event in cultural life of city.

Right after New Year's holidays townsmen waited for prime-minister of performance Emilja Braginsky play "Freak of the imagination" put by the main director of theatre Valery Medvedevym.

The important event of anniversary year became celebrating the 190-anniversary from Peter Pavlovicha Ershov's birthday. On March, 6, 2005 has taken place prime-minister of performance P.P. Ershov's "Konjok-Gorbunok fairy tale. An old fairy tale in a new way.

Bright, colourful, filled with music and dances the scenic embodiment of the fairy tale accomplished by the director - director from Moscow A.Molostovym and artist - director A.Panenkovym from Tyumen, warmly is accepted the spectator.

In anniversary year have celebrated the significant dates actors of theatre Paul Tabakar and Sergey Grjaznov. In May the conducting actress of theatre Albina Shafirova prepares for a anniversary

The combination of traditions, wide experience and energy of a youth has allowed theatre of a name of P.P.Ershov not only to keep the devoted constant spectator, but also to involve in auditorium youth. The repertoir is on a regular basis updated, including performances under plays Russian both foreign actors and the best samples of modern dramatic art. Directors cooperate with theatre from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Omsk, Ekaterinburg and it enables troupe to work with representatives of various schools and directions.

In 2005 at theatre the board of guardians consisting of known and dear people of our city has been created. Heads Advice the Chapter of city of Tobolsk Eugeny Mihajlovich Vorobjev.

The theatrical life which has arisen in Siberia in XVIII century, successfully proceeds and in the third millenium - there are new theatres, festivals are carried out. But it is not necessary to forget that all began in 1705 in small, silent city - Tobolsk "Summers from. The world 7213 1705 ... May 8 numbers, in day of John Bogoslova.

6. Siberia theatre is 300 years old

The jubilee actions began in Tobolsk drama theatre, denoted 300 years since day of the first theatrical production in Siberia. They were opened they exhibition "Theatre and artist" from product local master canvas and incisor.

The Artists from Tobolsk, Kogalym, Salehard, Kazan, Omsk have submitted for it more than 60 picturesque and graphic pictures, product from bone and tree. The Organizers have denoted this unusual exposure theatrical actor-amateur and one of the founders Tobolsk dramatic society Mihail Znamenskij, who is more known as artist, historian and ethnographer.

At the first day festive triumph on scene of the most old theatre Siberia also took place the first-night of the show "Love, love, love " Comedy-vaudeville on tale A.Chehov has put the main stage manager of the theatre Valeria Medvedev.

The Jubilee actions denoted three centuries of the theatrical deal in Siberia, last in Tobolsk before December 18. For 12 days тоболяки and guests of the city see on scene of the local dramatic theatre 9 of the shows 300-go theatrical season. In the first Siberian "temple Melipomeny" December 17 will pass the solemn meeting, where юбиляров will fete the representatives a theatre Uraliskogo federal neighborhood, as well as their colleagues from Moscow and SAINT PETERSBURG.

Their own congratulations to troupe Toboliskogo dramatic tetra of the name Petra Ershova has already sent minister of the culture to Russia Alexander Falcon, deputies of the State Duma RF, administration of the president Vladimir Putina, director MHATA Yuri Solomon and others


Are you convinced that it is interesting? The great theatre premieres are ahead, three hundred years are behind.

I believe our townsmen will visit the theatre oftener, they will be enlightened in cultural life. But it is not allowed to forget the people who left for us such rich property, which was obtained with at the cost of their lives.

List of literature

1.  Tobolsk chronograph. №3. – Yekaterinburg: Ural worker, 1998.

2.  V. Kirillov. Tobolsk. – M.: Iskusstvo, - 1984.

3.  Zavarihin S.P. In old center of Siberia. - M.: Iskusstvo, 1987.

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