2.  Write an essay where topic is any proverb you know.

3. Read the following text, find the proverb in it and explain it.

“The Vain Stag”

One hot day a big stag who had a pair of very large antlers stood on the bank of a river. He was thirsty and went down to the water to drink. Suddenly he saw his reflection in the water. He was very pleased with what he saw. “Oh,” he said, “what a beautiful pair of antlers I’ve got! How fine my head is! How proud I look! Nobody has such beautiful antlers as I have. Perhaps some people will say that my antlers are too big, but I don’t think so. I like them very much.” And the vain stag looked again at his reflection in the water.

Suddenly he heard the dogs. Three hunters and their dogs came out of the forest. The stag ran across the field into the forest. He was already far from the dogs, but he caught his antlers in the branches of some low trees and could not go on.

The dogs run up to him and pulled him to the ground. Then the hunters came up and killed him. So his beautiful antlers, of which he had been so vain, were the cause of his death. So we can say pride goes before a fall.

4. Read given text once again and describe main character with the help of proverb.

5.  Сравнительно-сопоставительные упражнения

Compare English proverb “It never rains but it pours” and Russian one «Беда не приходит одна».

6.. Упражнение на описание пословицы. Задание: There is such а proverb “Before you make a friend eat a bushel of salt with him”. Please, describe it how you understand it.

7. Упражнение на описание пословицы или поговорки посредством разработки ситуации. Задание:

Imagine that you have a friend in England or USA. And one of his letters was finished by such proverb Friends are thieves of time. What do you think about this proverb? Is it correct? If you agree with this statement, you will write to your foreign friend answer which proves this statement. If you disagree, your answer will contain denial. In both cases you have to argue your answer.

8. Упражнение на подбор эквивалентов. Задание: You have lists with proverbs, your task is the following: choose an appropriate equivalent to English proverb:

English proverb Russian proverb
East or West, home is best. Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит.
Do in Rome as the Romans do. Человека узнаешь, когда с ним пуд соли съешь.
Before you make a friend eat a bushel of salt with him В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
Every bird likes its own nest. В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не лезут.


9. Упражнение на лексико-грамматический перефраз.

Replace the words in italics by a proverb from the list:

1. It never rains but it pours. 2. Business before pleasure. 3. Never say die. 4. Tastes differ.

1. Very soon after his father's death Mike's mother died and he became an orphan. "Poor child, one misery after another," said the neighbours.

2. "Do your homework, Nick. You must do it first. You know that you shouldn’t watch TV until you’ve finished with it," said Father to his son.

.3. "I hate this old house. Why can't we leave it," said Peter. "Don’t be upset, Peter," said his wife. "We'll get a new flat soon, you'll see."

4. "I like this place," said the young man. "Not for me. As for me, I prefer the seaside." George smiled at his brother.

5. — Why are you crying, Lena? What has happened?

— I can't do the exercise the teacher gave me, Nick.

— Don't cry! Let me help you.

6. — How do you like this red dress?

—Well, you see, Nina, the material is good and the colour is nice but I don't like the style. I like that green one better.

— It's got too many buttons. I don't like so many buttons on a dress.

—Well, do as you like. Buy the red one, then. No two people think the same way.

7. — Have you practised the piano, son?

— Not yet.

— Then you can't go to the cinema.

— But Mother...

— When you've practised you may go.

8. — Why aren't you at school? What's the matter with you, Kate? What's happened to your arm?

— Oh, I've broken it, and now I've caught cold besides.

— You don't say so!. Troubles never come alone.

10. Упражнение на развитие умений выражать свое мнение.

Imagine that your friend and you tried to get CD of your favorite group for free but couldn’t do it. And someone told you: “he that would eat the fruit must climb the tree”. You agreed with it and your friend didn’t. Prove it to your friend. Use proverbs that you know in your dialogue.

A- Have you heard what that man told us?

B – Yes, I’ve heard, but I think he was wrong.

A - No, you don’t really understand that we wouldn’t get this CD for free…

B - Look here! Here is some commercial of this CD! One of radio station offer to send them 150 – 200 messages for this CD!

A – And you think they will give us it. It would be cheaper to buy it. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Информация о работе «Формирование социокультурной компетенции на старшей ступени обучения (на примере английских пословиц и поговорок)»
Раздел: Иностранный язык
Количество знаков с пробелами: 60259
Количество таблиц: 1
Количество изображений: 1

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