Children Journalism


Introduction...................................................................................................... 3

1.HISTORY OF CHILD JOURNALISM.......................................................... 5

2. Beginning of a new era in the Children's journalism. JOURNALS «Hedgehog» and «Chizh»........................................................................................................................... 6

CONCLUSION............................................................................................... 10

REFERENCES............................................................................................... 11


Russian press for the young reader as opposed to the «adult» started with a magazine.

Children's journalism in this country has a rich history. Before the revolution, mainly in St. Petersburg and Moscow, issued nearly three hundred children's and youth magazines. Some of them went out for decades, while others ceased to exist in the first book. First of all, this was due to the fact that publishers do not have sufficient funds, and at times appeared the magazine does not find its subscribers on a variety of reasons, but mostly because the alternative is the deterioration of already published and favorite readers.

«Friend of children», «Children's Museum», «Sobesednik», «Relax», «Baby». «Nursery», «Igrushechka», «A gift for children», «Malutka», «Case and fun», «path», «Golden Childhood», «Snowdrop», «sun». Each of these and many other magazines had their focus, their themes and structure. Unfortunately, in the study of children's pre-revolutionary journalism we have done very little, did not disclose the contents of journals in any bibliographical work, and in connection with the many interesting texts have remained only on the pages of periodicals. However, recently there appeared the publication of children's magazines last century, but until this random phenomenon.

The purpose of the proposed works - to trace the history of journalism from the children's conception and its tendency to influence the development of the child, depending on the era, the political system, ideology of society. Therefore, the task of lighting topics will include the following points: In addition to descriptions of periodicals for children, we will trace the ideology of the publications, their content, purpose, will be traced the fate of the people associated with journalism for children.

When writing of the extensive material used child periodicals, ranging from 18 century to the present day, Glavlita papers, monographs, and memoirs of contemporaries.

The work is of interest to a broad audience: students of philological departments, cultural workers, the press, journalists, psychologists, as well as for parents, for whom the important role of journalism in the upbringing of their children.

1. History of child Journalism

Until the middle of XVII century children's literature does not exist. In fact, the first book written specifically for children, was a book «The World in Pictures» Jan Amos Comenius. The greatest teacher and school reformer, was the ancestor of the literature relevant to understanding children.

The first children's magazine in the world has become a «Leptsigsky weekly flyer» (1772-1774), issued in Germany. After three years, a special children's periodical - «Children's reading for the hearts and minds» - was to go to Russia in Moscow.

Journal of Russian educator N. Novikova «Children's reading for the hearts and minds» initiated domestic publications for young readers. He went out in the form of weekly applications of «Moscow statements» from 1785 to 1789. The publication journal N. Novikov seen, above all, an opportunity to implement its education and outreach ideas. Children's Magazine, in the opinion of the editor, was a «for the hearts and minds», to raise good citizens, from an early age to explain to young readers with the laws of virtue. It should be the idea of humanity, of true nobility, honesty, generosity. The publication was encyclopedic in nature: in its pages were printed papers, talks about the phenomena of nature stories, fables, comedy, jokes. According to founder, the magazine was to «provide for the heart and mind to cultivate good citizens». I. Novikov also believed that in the State of all «make a handy, if possible degree of education to reach its perfection». To this end, it took its publication. Educational functions periodicals determine its nature.

Good taste and literary talent of the staff (one of the editors was N. Karamzin, published in «Children's reading for the hearts and minds» first novel «Eugene and Julia») affected by the selection of translated literature. Readers acquainted with the works of Voltaire, Lesinga, Thomson and many others. Journal Novikov stood the test of time. «Net, the moral rules laid down for the fun of the time language, quietly entered the soul of the readers, especially readers, and little by little gave an entirely different flavor to a society», - noted in one of the entries in 1849. S. Aksakov in his memoirs, too, is drawn to the magazine Novikov: «As a child my mind (after getting acquainted with this magazine) has done a coup, and I opened a new world ... Many phenomena in nature, which I looked pointless, though curiously, were for me the meaning, importance and become more interesting ... »60 years after the appearance of« Children's reading »V. Belinsky exclaimed:« Poor children! We were happy for you: we had the «Children's reading» Novikov».

The demand for the magazine was so great that when it closed rooms Children's Reading »reprinted in the form of books and successfully sold.

For «Children's reading for the heart and mind» (1785-1789) was followed by other such publications, and for nearly a century, their typology, has not undergone substantive changes. The magazine has historically corresponded to those tasks to be performed at all in «child reading». First of all, it was designed to educate the young generation.

Magazine N. Novikova elicited imitation, and the beginning of the XIX century periodicals for the audience were called out one after the other. «Friend of youth and of all years» Nevzorova M. (1807-1815), and similar in content «other children» Nikolai Ilyin (1809), «A new children's reading» S. Glinka (1821-1824).


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