5 July 2000

Dear Mr Lee

Herewith we are informing you that on 7-8 September, 2000 an International Conference "New Prospects of scientific and technological and production cooperation of Russia with foreign states" is to be held in Nizhny Novgorod.

To participate in the forthcoming Conference we are glad to invite a representative from your Ministry and two persons representing business circles.

The working languages of the Conference are Russian, German and English. For further information please contact Ms Golovina (tel.: 456 899 01)

Looking forward for your prompt reply, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Vladimir Yugin


Task III. Conversation on the topic of your thesis

аспирантура (канд. экз.)

Экзаменационный билет (на 2 листах) по дисциплине

английский язык

(специальность: социальная философия)

билет №4

Task I. Translate from English into Russian in writing using a dictionary. Your time is 45 minutes

Chapter 9. examines the ongoing technological revolution embodied in very-large-scale integration. It points out that there are a variety of mediating factors that stand between an expanding technological capability and commercial success. The growth in circuit-element density, with the resulting dramatic improvement in the capability of a single chip, offers a great potential for the application of electronic techniques in many fields. The success of such applications will turn upon developments internal to the industry, but also upon the creation of mechanisms that will translate this new technological capability into tangible economic advantages. Chapter 10 focuses not upon an individual industry but upon a number of recent empirical studies of technical change. These studies, which share an emphasis upon the dominant role marked demand in the innovation process, have been widely cited as providing an adequate basis for a successful government innovation policy. It is argued that these studies are, analytically and conceptually, seriously incomplete. The chapter attempt' to provide a more comprehensive framework for both analysis and policy formulation.

Finally, the two chapters of Part IV place the discussion of technological change in an international context, with the first chapter oriented toward its long history and the second toward the present and the future. Chapter II pays primary attention to the transfer of industrial technology from Britain to the rest of the world. This transfer encompasses a large part of the story of worldwide industrialization, because nineteenth-century industrialization was, in considerable measure, the story of the overseas transfer of the technologies already developed by the first industrial society. Particular attention is devoted to the conditions that shaped the success of these transfers, but a central concern is their eventual impact upon the technology-exporting country. The last chapter speculates about the prospects for the future from an American perspective, a perspective that is often dominated by apprehension over the loss of American technological leadership, especially in high-technology industries. By drawing upon some of the distinctive characteristics of high-technology industries, an attempt is made to identify possible elements of a future scenario. I am confident that the world economy of the 1990s will be powerfully shaped by the international distribution of technological capabilities: but it will also be shaped by economic and social forces that strongly influence the comparative effectiveness with which the available technologies are exploited.

Task II. Translate the letter from English into Russian without a dictionary. Your time is 5-7 minutes

Sadovaya'Kudrinskaya str.

Russian Federation

Letter of Invitation

Dear Minister

Thank you for your interest to meet representatives of the Brandenburg State Government, especially Prime Minister Dr. Manfred Stoipe, during your stay in the Federal Republic of Germany from April 25"' to April 26"' 2000.

It is my pleasure to invite you to the state of Brandenburg. A copy of your request has been.mailed to the office of the Prime Minister for coordinating purposes.

Sincerely yours

Dr. Wolfgang FьrniЯ

Task III. Conversation on the topic of your thesis

аспирантура (канд. экз.)

Экзаменационный билет (на 2 листах) по дисциплине

английский язык

(специальность: социальная философия)

билет №5

Task I. Translate from English into Russian in writing using a dictionary. Your time is 45 minutes

That man is an aggressive creature will hardly be disputed. With the exception of certain rodents, no other veterbrate habitually destroys members of his own species. No other animal takes positive pleasure in the exercise of cruelty upon another of his own kind. We generally describe the most repulsive examples of man's cruelty as brutal or bestial, implying by these adjectives that such behaviour is characteristic of less highly developed animals than ourselves. In truth, however, the extremes of 'brutal' behaviour are confined to man; and there is no parallel in nature to our savage treatment of each other. The sombre fact is that we are the cruellest and most ruthless species that has ever walked the earth: and that, although we may recoil in horror when we read in newspaper or history book of the atrocities committed by man upon man, we know in our hearts that each one of us harbours within himself those same savage impulses which lead to murder, to torture and to war.

To write about human aggression is a difficult task because the term is used in so many different senses. Aggression is one of those words which everyone knows, but which is nevertheless hard to define. As psychologists and psychiatrists use it, it covers a very wide range of human behaviour. The red-faced infant squalling for the bottle is being aggressive; and so is the judge who awards a thirty-year sentence for robbery. The guard in a concentration camp who tortures his helpless victim is obviously acting aggressively. Less manifestly, but no less certainly, so is the neglected wife who threatens or attempts suicide in order to regain her husband's affection. When a word becomes so diffusely applied that it is used both of the competitive striving of a footballer and also of the bloody violence of a murderer, it ought either to be dropped or else more closely defined. Aggression is a portmanteau term which is fairly bursting at its seams. Yet, until we can more clearly designate and comprehend the various aspects of human behaviour which are subsumed under this head, we cannot discard the concept.

One difficulty is that there is no clear dividing line between those forms of aggression which we all deplore and those which we must not disown if we are to survive.

Task II. Translate the letter from English into Russian without a dictionary. Your time is 5-7 minutes

Dear Mrs. Fonaryova:

The 37th World Advertising Congress, "London 2000", will be held in London from 6 June through 9 June. This biennial Congress, is very the traditional gathering place of top professionals.

We believe that your participation in this event of world importance will be important.

Considering your great contribution to the development of the Russian advertising business, we are confident that your contacts with leaders of the advertising industry from around the world will have a positive effect on the further development of the advertising market in Russia.


Task III. Conversation on the topic of your thesis

аспирантура (канд. экз.)

Экзаменационный билет (на 2 листах) по дисциплине

английский язык

(специальность: социальная философия)

билет №6

Task I. Translate from English into Russian in writing using a dictionary. Your time is 45 minutes

As narrative 1917 fills a surprising gap in the literature on the subject. There are a large number of detailed studies of different aspects of the revolution, some of them brilliant works of scholarship. But no simple, comprehensive account of the two revolutions and the civil war exists. Schapiro's book is brief, but covers all the main points with absolute clarity. It also incorporates the conclusions of the most important recent research on the subject. The reader gets both an excellent introduction to the Russian revolution and an idea of how new material is causing thinking about it to change.

The value of Schapiro's analysis is more questionable. Schapiro was old and rigid, an adherent of the cold war/totalitarianism school. His interpretation of the Russian revolution is crude and unashamedly biased. He hates the Bolsheviks. He looks at the Russian revolution purely from the point of view of political power.

Schapiro's thesis goes roughly as follows. After the disintegration of the monarchy in February 1917, there was general support in the country for a broad-based socialist coalition. This quickly came to mean support for the Soviets, rather than for the Provisional Government. However, support for the Soviets did not mean support for the Bolsheviks, but for the 'traditional ideals of Russian socialism', represented by the SRs and, especially, the Mensheviks. The Bolsheviks were a small band of disciplined fanatics. They were able to seize power in October because no one organised to stop them. They held on to it by annihilating their opponents, ruthlessly manipulating public opinion and militarising the economy. Right up to 1924, they were 'a largely unpopular party'. The first choice of a majority of the population would have been 'some form of moderate socialism'.

While it is undoubtedly true that the Bolsheviks were unscrupulous in their choice of methods and that they were not supported by a majority of the population when they seized power, Schapiro's thesis is prejudiced, one- sided and out-dated.

Task II. Translate the letter from English into Russian without a dictionary. Your time is 5-7 minutes

July 18,2000

Dear Mr. Petrov

I would like to inform you that I left my position as Minister of International Trade and Industry on July 4.

Mr. Hiranuma has been appointed as my successor. I hope that you will accord him the same goodwill and assistance you have granted me.

Please accept my best wishes. Respectfully yours,

Takashi Fukaya

Ministry of International Trade and Industry

Task III. Conversation on the topic of your thesis

аспирантура (канд. экз.)

Экзаменационный билет (на 2 листах) по дисциплине

английский язык

(специальность: социальная философия)

билет №7

Task I. Translate from English into Russian in writing using a dictionary. Your time is 45 minutes

What do we mean by the economy of the country? In assessing a country's standard of living or comparing the standards of living of different countries it is common practice to use statistics of the Gross Domestic Product. The gdp measures incomes earned, and the goods and services produced, in the official "formal" economy. But this tends not to account for the mass of productive activity outside the formal economy—moonlighting, diy. voluntary work and so forth, which may well not be reflected in the indicators of gdp. And since the balance between the shadow and formal economy varies from country to country, comparisons on the basis of gdp may be quite misleading.

The problems in assessing the economy of a single country are much the same. Our understanding of the distribution of income, and hence much of our thinking on poverty and inequality, derives from what we know about people's incomes from work in the formal economy. Is it possible that by relying on statistics of the formal economy alone, we may be misled about the extent of poverty in the UK?

In a research project at the Institute for Fiscal Studies we have been exploring the interaction of the formal and shadow economies. Two issues struck us as important. Firstly, does the shadow economy reinforce or offset the inequalities which are observed in the formal economy? Secondly, what scope does the shadow economy provide for households to compensate for a temporary decline in earnings and employment opportunities in the formal economy?

The wide range of activitiesin the shadow economy can be divided into two broad categories. There are monetary transactions concealed to avoid tax—people doing odd jobs for cash payment, a businessman failing to declare part of his turnover, and so forth— which, following popular usage, we have called the "black economy." Then there is a wide range of productive activities which do not involve monetary payment—housework, diy, voluntary work—which we have simply called the "wider shadow economy." There are important similarities between activities in the black economy and some parts of the wider shadow economy—especially in the role that the tax system can play in encouraging alternatives to formal economy goods and services.

Task II. Translate the letter from English into Russian without a dictionary. Your time is 5-7 minutes

To: Mr Takashi KOEZUKA

Deputy Secretary General

Re: 10th Anniversary of Antimonopoly Bodies.

Информация о работе «Билеты для сдачи кандидатского минимума по английскому языку аспирантам специальностей правовед, бухгалтер, экономист, философ»
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