Иностранный язык

Количество работ в разделе: 4598
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Percy Bysshe Shelley
... children were handed over to foster parents by the courts. The Shelleys took up residence in the village of Marlow, Buckinghamshire where a friend of Percy's, Thomas Love Peacock, lived. Shelley took part in the literary circle that surrounded Leigh Hunt, and during this period, he met John Keats. ...
The art of Tennyson's poetry
... and scientific progress. Like many writers who write a great deal over a long time, he can be pompous or banal, and his personality rings throughout all his works—work that reflects a grand and special variability in its quality. Tennyson possessed the strongest poetic power; he put great length
Virginia Woolf
... Woolf, who together formed the nucleus of the intellectual circle known as the Bloomsbury Group which came to notorious fame in 1910 with the Dreadnought hoax Virginia Woolf participated in, dressed as a male Abyssinian royalty. Personal life Virginia Stephen married writer Leonard Woolf in 1912, ...
William Wordsworth
... Quillinan Thomas Wordsworth - June 15th 1806 - December 1st 1812 Catherine Wordsworth - September 6th 1808 - June 4th 1812 William "Willy" Wordsworth - May 12th 1810 - 1883. He married Fanny Graham and had four children: Mary Louisa, William, Reginald and Gordon. Autobiographical work and Poems in ...
P. G. Wodehouse
... such as Douglas Adams, Salman Rushdie and Terry Pratchett. Sean O'Casey famously called him "English literature's performing flea", a description that Wodehouse used as the title of a collection of his letters to a friend, Bill Townend. Best known today for the Jeeves and Blandings Castle novels and ...
H. G. Wells
... and novellas, the best known of which is "The Country of the Blind" (1904). Besides being an important occurrence of blindness in literature, this is Wells's commentary on humanity's ability to overcome any inconvenience after a few generations and think that it is normal. His short story "The New ...
Anthony Trollope
... to attend Oxford or Cambridge. The disparity between his family's social background and its poverty would be the cause of much misery to Anthony Trollope during his boyhood. Born in London, Anthony attended Harrow School as a day-boy for three years from the age of seven, as his father's farm lay ...
J. R. R. Tolkien
... lecture "Beowulf: the Monsters and the Critics" had a lasting influence on Beowulf research.[42] Lewis E. Nicholson said that the article Tolkien wrote about Beowulf is "widely recognized as a turning point in Beowulfian criticism", noting that Tolkien established the primacy of the poetic nature ...
William Makepeace Thackeray
... establishing another permanent relationship. He did pursue other women, in particular Mrs. Jane Brookfield and Sally Baxter. In 1851 Mr. Brookfield barred Thackeray from further visits to or correspondence with Jane. Baxter, an American twenty years his junior whom he met during a lecture tour in ...
Alfred Tennyson
... of ten, / Because my heart is pure". He is the second most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, after Shakespeare.[1] Alfred Tennyson was born in Somersby, Lincolnshire, a rector's son and fourth of 12 well-spoken children. He was one of the descendants of King Edward III ...
Ґрунти України
... Середня розораність земель у Гірському Криму становить близько 24 %. Грунт є найдорожчим багатством людства. Чорноземні ґрунти, найродючіші в світі, вкривають дві третини території України. Сільськогосподарські угіддя тут становлять 71 %, а орні 56 % усієї площі країни. Земельні ресурси не належать ...
Your actions speak louder than words
... . People use their eyes to show interest. It is considered impolite to fix one’s eyes on smb., but some eye-contact is necessary to show that your interest and attention. Haptics – is the tactile form of communication. Where, how and how often people can touch each other while having a conversation ...
Совместимость и преобразование типов данных
... 9. SIN(90*pi/180)=1.000. Замечание: В тригонометрических функциях аргумент должен быть задан только в радианной мере угла. Совместимость и преобразование типов данных. Турбо-Паскаль - типизированный язык, следовательно, все применяемые операции определены только над операндами совместимых типов. Два ...
President George W. Bush
... as a compassionate conservative who shaped public policy based on the principles of limited government, personal responsibility, strong families, and local control. President Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, and grew up in Midland and Houston, Texas. He received a bachelor ...
Harry S Truman
... of Social Security, a full-employment program, a permanent Fair Employment Practices Act, and public housing and slum clearance. The program, Truman wrote, "symbolizes for me my assumption of the office of President in my own right." It became known as the Fair Deal. Dangers and crises marked the ...
Dante Alighieri
... ). When he began writing his masterpiece, the Commedia, we do not know. (A "comedy," as traditionally defined, is a story that "begins in sorrow and ends in joy". Dante called his work simply "The Comedy." Later Italian writers speaking of the work called it "The Divine Comedy," by which name it is ...
Книги /english/
anted by Pushkin and Gogol, Chekhov was one of the highest authorities to me. I also was delighted with Block and other great poets. Later my heart was won by Ahmatova. My mother enjoys reading biography, documentary, memoirs. I think a book without illustrations is boring to read because a nicely ...
English writers
s "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare help us to understand things which appeared to be very simple in this life. When I have read this book I have looked at these things on the other side. And Mark Twain, Reduard Kipling, Agatha Christie. Their books at times I read at the night secretly ...
About animals
... back; then it can pick up and give him a coin which fell from his pocket. …that when an elephant grows, everything grows on it except its eyes? …about the march of 37 elephants across the Alps? When Hannibal fought Rome thirty-seven of his elephants made a march across the Alps covered with ice and ...
Dangerous profession
... to work hard all professions in our century are very useful and important. We have many kinds of different professions. I consider that the profession of miner is very hard and dangerous. This profession demands a high level of manual skill and a certain period of practical training. Coal is one ...
Street Art
... days, graffiti has changed a lot and it is no longer found only in the subway and the poor ghetto areas of the city. Nowadays, it has the status of 'street art' and you get graffiti in places where you wouldn't expect to - in advertisements, on clothes, on toys, and even on the Wall Street Journal's ...
История развития федерализма в России
... в неправовых формах или хотя бы путем принятия законов, а также постановлений исполнительной власти. Здесь самый чувствительный нерв федерализма и одновременно залог стабильности власти на всей территории Федерации. Отнесение Конституцией тех или иных вопросов к числу предметов ведения Федерации ...
Разработка модулей программы /Укр./
... глобальних типів; VAR оголошення скритих глобальних змінних; PROCEDURE(FUNCTION) тіла доступних та скритих процедур (функцій); Інілізаційна частина. BEGIN основний блок модуля. END. Індивідуальне завдання. Варіант №7. Скласти програму на мові Pascal розв’язку даної задачі та виконання її на ЕОМ. ...
Запарожские казаки под властью крымского хана /Укр./
... яку вони, врешті, тепер отримали. Вони радили й самому Орликові зробити те саме, що все Військо зробило, і доводили, що якщо хан, з'єднавшися з Орликом, здобуде Україну, то все одно отримає її не Орлик, а хтось інший, котрий глумитиметься над нею, як глумилися поляки, переслідуючи православну віру ...
Леониды /english/
a meteor shower. What Do the Leonids Look Like? All meteors appear as brief streaks of light moving a short distance across the sky. Some meteors move slow and some move fast. Here is a video of a bright, slow meteor. Note that a streak persisted for a little while after the meteor vanished. ...
Princess Diana
... sons, Prince William and Prince Harry. She worked tirelessly for charity, and was beloved by the public for her warmth and humanity. In 1992 Princess Diana decided to expose the truth about her relationship with Prince Charles to the public. She secretly collaborated with author Andrew Morton on ...
Турецкая кухня /english/
sures, in particular by kitchen. My poor knowledge concerning to the turkish kitchen will be stated below in brief. As it is probably well known to everyone, turks are very legible in meat. In particular, they do not use pork in the pure state at all, for under the legend the pig has bitten ...
Elizabeth II, Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria
... and Prince Edward. She has five official residences in Britain; Buckingham Palace and Windsor among them. I'd like to speak about Elizabeth 1 and Queen Victoria. Elizabeth 1 came to throne in 1558. She had many of her father's qualities including common sense and the strength of character. Like him ...
Martin Luther King Jr.
... (SCLC) in 1957. In 1959, King toured India and further developed his understanding of Gandhian nonviolent strategies. Later that year, King resigned from Dexter and returned to Atlanta to become co-pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church with his father. In 1960, black college students initiated a wave ...
Charles Darwin
... selection; and four, the millions of species alive today arose from a single original life form through a branching process called "specialization." Darwin's theory of evolutionary selection holds that variation within species occurs randomly and that the survival or extinction of each organism is ...
Экономическая теория /Укр./
... і навіть протилежні теорії щодо одних і тих самих явищ. Наприклад, кризову ситуацію в Україні на початку 90-х років Рух України пояснював інакше, ніж, скажімо, соціалістична партія. По-друге, жодна теорія не може передбачити всіх можливих змін в економічній ситуації. Тому в екстремальних ситуаціях, ...
Бизнес-план /english/
... messages accounting, to replace the president during his absence. Also will be the expert in the accounting programs. The secretary. Has higher education . Knows English language and owns work on the computer. Will working with the time-table of work, writing of the checks, to work on the telephone ...
... , the Academy of National Economy, the Medical academy and four branches of other higher education establishments. There is a wide network of secondary schools in Chita. There are schools with extensive German, Chinese and English teaching. There are also music schools in Chita. Sport is very ...
Hillary Rodham Clinton
... . In 1978, President Jimmy Carter appointed her to the board of the Legal Services Corporation, and Bill Clinton became governor of Arkansas. Their daughter, Chelsea, was born in 1980. Hillary served as Arkansas's First Lady for 12 years, balancing family, law, and public service. She chaired the ...
Данило Нечай /Укр./
... гетьман пішов до Ялтуш — нова, а п. воєвода до Бару і звідти з своїми людьми пішов до п. гетьмана і зійшовшися з ним стали на віч в Станиславові. Cмерть Данила Нечая 21 лютого До сього друковавий дневннк додав, що тої неділі Каліновский мучився під Станіславовим з хоругвами, що стояли на лінії на ...
Влияние войны в Афганистане на советских солдат /english/
he effect was due not merely to a war, but to the whole system of the ex-USSR. In my essay I will try to describe both of these effects on soldiers' lives. The new life for the eighteen year old boys began when they graduated from high school. Some of them became recruits during the spring draft, ...
lpture which are admired by people at picture galleries and museums. Recently another kind of art has appeared. It is cold graffiti and it is favored by the young people mostly but some grownups like it too. At first graffiti was considered to be an example of anti-social behavior, the works of ...
... in historical and commonplace subjects, but landscapes were particularly important in his work, playing a major role in all his compositions. Polenov's services in the sphere of landscape-painting were considerable, he helped to develope a national landscape that was both rich in content and ...
Ирландцы и Южная Америка /english/
ease took a heavy toll. Of the hundreds, many were trained seamen, officers and other ranks, who had volunteered for -- or had been press-ganged into -- the British Navy. Long before the first arrivistes came to join in the South American wars of freedom from centuries of Spanish oppression, there ...
Why the crystal structure of the element is such lattice but not another?
... the conclusions of Payerls. A relationship is also seen between the conductivity electrons (Z) and valency electrons (Z kernel) stipulating the crystal structure. The phase transition of the element from one lattice to another can be explained by the transfer of one of the external electrons of the ...
Некоторые слова из учебника по Английскому языку для 10 классов спец. школ
... vile imposter=подлый обманщик UNIT 7 to clutch=хлопать руками would you do me a favour ?=не сделайте ли вы мне одолжение? to be crazy about=быть вне ума от кого-то human being=человек i do not care=меня не касается spiritual=религиозный гимн parlance=мимика,язык жестов deaf=глухой to get furious=з
Rights of shareholders
... a sh whose proposal was rejected by the corp on the ground that it fails within one of the exceptions. iii)Providing shareholder lists--a sh has a right to obtain a list of shs or to have his communication included with the corporate proxy materials.  4)Remedies for violation of ...
Переводы по английскому языку из учебника Л.Н. Адрианова
- путь, который работает хорошо, хотя это все еще довольно дорогой. Должно быть отмечено, что первая электростанция, питаемая атомным топливом, была также первая в мире атомная электростанция, начавшая работать в Обнинске, около Москвы, в 1954 году. Её мощность была 5,000 киловатт. Тридцатью ...
Northern Ireland
... of petroleum and other fuels, raw materials and metals, produce, and an assortment of manufactured goods. Transportation and Communications Northern Ireland has about 23,730 km (about 14,745 mi) of roads, including 113 km (70 mi) of motorway. The Northern Ireland Railways Company provided passenger ...
Ідейно-тематичний перегук поезії 20-х і 60-х років
... зіставлення його з вимріяним світом поетів-романтиків, який здавався таким досяжним в освітленні газетних передовиць. Тематично-стильова спорідненість поезії 20-х і 60-х років – явище закономірне, хоча б тому, що шістдесятники виявляли особливу зацікавленість творами Розтріляного Відродження. ...
Education in Russia
... in physics and mathematics, and children attending one of these may have to commute from home. There are no school buses in Russia. The first stage of education is elementary school for grades 1 through 4. The second is secondary school for grades 5 through 9 . Upon graduation from secondary ...
Штат Техас /english/
... после произошло существенное индустриальное расширение. В недавних годах, государственные лидеры попытались привлечь более высокотехнические отрасли промышленности к Штату Техас. Промышленность включает широкий диапазон нефтяных и угольных из- делий, машин, химикалий, и продовольственных продуктов. ...
Про методи дослідження малих річок
... угідь масштабом 1 : 10 000. Використання карт завжди є виправданим, оскільки вони є єдиним джерелом просторової інформації про об’єкт нашого дослідження. Для більшої ефективності досліджень малої річки бажано створити окрему карту, для цього перенести на кальку русло основної річки, притоки, інші ...
Лексико-грамматические особенности французского научно-популярного текста
... последовательной организации языкового материала в связи с целями функционального использования. III. Лексико – грамматические особенности научно – популярного текста, на примере текстов из французского научно – популярного журнала “Science et Avenir”. Исходя из определения текста [5,8], можно ...
Бионика /german/
Gedanke gehцrte noch Leonardo da Binci. Bionik. Voraussetzungen und Aufgaben. Die Aufgabe dieses neuen Wissenschaftszweiges besteht darin, biologische Systeme sowie die ihnen zurgrunde liegenden Prinzipien zu erforschen und zu prьfen, ob sich дhnliche Lцsungen in der Technik anwenden lassen. Die ...
Шпаргалка по экономике укр
... дает возможность оценить эффективность хозяйственных процессов, юридическая — законность их осуществления. В этом проявляется взаимосвязь между экономикой и правом в процессе хозяйственной деятельности. Для обеспечения систематического и взаимосвязанного отражения хозяйственных средств и процессов ...
Политический портрет Павла Скоропадского /Укр./
... . Родинний будинок в Тростянці мав велику колекцію української старовини, портретів гетьманів і видатних діячів України, серед яких був і портрет останнього виборного лівобережного гетьмана Івана Скоропадського. Рідна тітка Павла Єлисавета Іванівна, за шлюбом графиня Милорадович, своїм значним ...
Великобритания /english/
... consists of England, Scotland and Walls. The smaller one is Ireland. The Northern Sea separates England from Germany and Scandinavian countries, while The English Channel separates England from France and Belgium. The highest mountains are in Scotland and Walls. They are not higher that those in the ...
Сочинения по США
47th Street. Manhattan is also divided , wuth less exactnes, into Lower (Downtown), Midtown and Upper (Up-town) Manhattan. As you go North, or uptown, the street numbers get higher. Lower Manhatta refers to street numbers below 14th Street and Central Park, and Upper Manhattan to the renaming, ...
er flows into the White Sea. If you want to have a better look of Archangel you need to start sightseeing from Pur-Navolok, the place, where in 1584 the city was founded by the order of Russian Tzar Ivan the Terrible. The original name of the town was "Новые Холмогоры" and it's present name dates ...
A Child
... you done. It costs a small fortune”, - cried poor daddy looking at the black clouds of smoke rising above the system block. “He is just a child”, - explains mother her son’s behavior. Everything starting by deodorants and finishing by the video’s remote control presents a danger in children’s hands ...
Интернет /Латвия/
rneta lietoðanu lielâkajos Rîgas uzòçmumos. Ðobrî Internetu izmanto 79% Rîgas lielâko uzòçmumu, liecina pçtîjuma rezultâti. Savukârt no tiem uzòçmumiem, kuri paðlaik vçl neizmanto Internetu, 40% plâ ...
Монополістична конкуренція укр
... прибутку збігається з точкою мінімальних середніх витрат, як показано на мал.А. мал.Б. мал.А.  Проте на ринку з монополістичною конкуренцією крива попиту похило спрямована донизу, так що точка нульового прибутку перебуває зліва від ...
... ідненні, і родини, заснованої на всиновленні. Раніше це зближення в основному відбувалося за рахунок наближення правового регулювання відносин між усиновленими й усиновителями до правового регулювання відносин між батьками й дітьми, а саме всиновлення конструювалося по моделі кровно-родинної родини. ...
State political system
... Parliament by controlling the State machinery, and in its turn, the state machinery participates in the legislative process, providing its preparatory stage (by doing a spade-work). British Parliament.The Comparison Of Two Political Systems: Ukrainian And British Ones. 1.The first distinction may ...
Проблема стратосферного озону. Хлорфторвуглеці(ХФВ) та їх вплив на озоновий шар
... -Шаттл" або "Аріан", можуть наносити серйозної локальної шкоди озоновому шару в районі запуску. Хлорфторвуглеці(-водні) (ХФВ) У 1974 г. М. Моліна і Ф. Роуленд з Каліфорнійського університету в Ірвіне показали, що хлорфторвуглеці (ХФВ) можуть руйнувати озон. З того часу так звана хлорфторвуглецева ...
Леся Украинка /Укр./
... вінчали лавровії віти. Тернів не скрашали ні злото, ні квіти, Страждали співці в самоті. Та будучи вірною девізові: "Тільки в боротьбі життя і щастя", — Леся Українка слідом за Т.Шевченком і М.Некрасовим, разом з Ї.Франком і ГІ. Грабовським проголосила: "Не поет, хто забуває про страшні народні рани ...
Хiба ревуть воли, як ясла повнi
... його вчинки. Поради були слушними, і брати прийнялися за поширення і удосконалення твору; було здійснено кілька редакцій і 1875 р. під назвою "Хіба ревуть воли, як ясла повні?" подано до цензури. Однак роман не був надрукований у зв'язку з опублікуванням Емського акта (1876) про повну заборону ...
Венчурний капітал: сьогодні і завтра
... венчурний капітал існує стільки ж, скільки капіталізм. Але донедавна він був малюсінькою заводдю у світі бізнесі. Сьогодні це величезна упорядкована індустрія, що ймовірно залишиться такий. Венчурні капітали в 6 млрд. дол., інвестовані в США в 1993 р., виросли до 40 млрд. у 1999. Але навіть ці цифри ...
The art of conversation
... salesmen, lobbyists, etc. The first one is practiced among friends, relative, colleagues, etc. To be successful one has to be a good conversationalist. And the art of conversation is a skill and can be acquired as many other work skills as typing, for example. The ability to talk can be cultivated. ...
Глагол "to have" со значением "иметь" /english/
... ? 3. Has (he, she, it) got a (any) car? Past Indefinite I, You, We, They He, She, It 1. Утвердительная форма. had a car. 2. Oтрицательная форма. 1. Did you have a (any) car. 2. Had not a (any) car. 3. Had no car. 3. Общий вопрос. 1. Did (I, you, we, they, he, she, it) have a ( ...
Деревья /english/
) What is tree? a) definition b) the terminology c) types of trees 3) Tree applications in encoding systems. Elementar data can have different types (string,integer and so on). But if to talk about complex data construction it have no type. Complex data constructions consist of simple ...
Notiunea de putere de stat si putere politica1 /на латыни/
... , de construire a unei societгюi noi, lipsite de exploatare; Caracterul progresist, strвns legat de cel creator, care reiese din faptul cг aceastг putere de stat socialistг promoveazг noul оn toate domeniile єi оn special, оnlocuirea vechilor relaюii de producюie burgheze cu un nou tip de relaюii, ...
10 myths -- and 10 truths -- about atheism
... dogma run amok. There is no society in human history that ever suffered because its people became too reasonable. 3) Atheism is dogmatic. Jews, Christians and Muslims claim that their scriptures are so prescient of humanity's needs that they could only have been written under the direction of an ...
Weather and climate
... oxygen. But in the last few years, people have cut down and burn big areas of rainforest. This means there are fewer trees, and, of course, more carbon dioxide! As we see the climate in different parts of the world changes a little from year to year. These changes can be dangerous for our pla
The Renaissance. Thomas More
... of “academy”. Christopher Marlowe the greatest dramatist (before Shakespeare). But the most important of most this writer and one of the greatest men of this period was sir Thomas More. Thomas More He came into great favor and made a rapid carrier as a statesmen, at the same time writing works of ...
English character
... And, of course, the English themselves have plenty of ideas about what they are, such as being proud of having one of the oldest parliament in the world. English people are famous for their habit of politeness. It is considered polite to give up one's seat to a woman who is standing, to open a door ...
7 топиков по иностранному языку /english/
... USA in 1958. The total area of the country is 9000 square kilometers. The population is more then 200 million people. Washington is the capital of USA. English is the official language. The flag of the USA known as the “Stars and Stripes”. The Rocky Mountains extend from Alaska through the USA to ...
Религия египтян /Укр./
... граніту (у середні віки практичні араби “пороздягали” піраміди, використовуючи їхнє облицювання на будівництво своїх міст). Піраміди, в яких, за словами Лесі Українки: Кожна цегла, статуя, колона , Мережечка, різьба і малювання Незримими устами промовляє “Мене створив єгипетський народ І тим ...
Театр /english/
... as multiple-use or multiple-form theaters. A performance, however, need not occur in an architectural structure designed as a theater, or even in a building. The English director Peter Brook talks of creating theater in an “empty space.” Many earlier forms of theater were performed in the streets, ...
Основні напрями державної політики України у галузі охорони довкілля, використання природних ресурсів та забезпечення екологічн
... . 2. Основні напрями державної політики України у галузі охорони довкілля та використання природних ресурсів. Основні напрями державної політики України у галузі охорони довкілля, використання природних ресурсів та забезпечення екологічної безпеки розроблено відповідно до статті 16 Конституції ...
Религия /english/
d the “God of the philosophers,” an abstract idea, with the “God of faith,” an experienced, living reality. In general, mystics, who claim direct experience of the divine being, have asserted the superiority of their knowledge of God to the rational demonstrations of God's existence and attributes ...
The map of England
... -eastern part of Ireland constitute the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland that is more often called Great Britain or just England. The territory of the United Kingdom is 244,000 sq. kms with a population of 50 million. Great Britain is separated from the European continent by the ...
Приблизительный портрет /english/
Frankly speaking, I should fulfil the similar work for the first time, accordingly I beg the reader to condemn style and essence of the statement of this treatise not too strictly. My chosen girl bears widespread, but rather beautiful name: ANN. Being born under the sign of the Lion, she ...
Администрирование сетей /Укр./
Wired for Management і Wake-on-LAN щиро мало на меті скорочення експлуатаційних витрат, то адептів мережних комп'ютерів не в останню чергу надихали! можливості нових технологій, що вперше одержали прописку в Internet.) У прагненні до всеїдності Еволюція концепцій адміністрування відбувалася ...
Украина /Eng./
ear Power Plant Environment—international agreements: party to: Air Pollution, Air Pollution-Nitrogen Oxides, Air Pollution-Sulphur 85, Antarctic Treaty, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Environmental Modification, Marine Dumping, Nuclear Test Ban, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution signed, but ...
Каникулы /english/
ways of spending summer holidays... But each person has his own preferences, so everyone likes the only way. I think that there are two ways of spending your holidays - active and passive. The passive way means staying in the sun, for example, and enjoying doing nothing , and the active - quite ...
Rain Man
deals. When Charly has troubles with his buisness, he gets the message that hisrich father has died. Although Charly had no good relationship to his father, he goes with greatexpectations to the lawyer. Actually Charly is the only relation his father had,at least hethinks so. But when the lawyer ...
Фотография /english/
The generic term light refers to the visible portion of a broad range of electromagnetic radiation, which includes radio waves, gamma rays, X rays, infrared, and ultraviolet rays. The human eye is sensitive to only a narrow band of electromagnetic wavelengths, called the visible spectrum. The ...
9 сочинений для 9 класса /english/
... it concerns United Kingdom political system. In Great Britain there is no written constitution, only customs, traditions and precedents. After the English Revolution of Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy headed by King (now Queen, Elizabeth the second). Traditionally the Queen acts only on ...
Word 7.0 /Укр./
... вказати дисковод, папку, ім"я і розширення файлу. У вікні діалогу є однорядковий список Тип файла. Він дає можливість конвертувати документ у формати, відмінні від Word (наприклад, формат MS DOS, формати інших текстових редакторів). Для цього слід розкрити список і вибрати потрібний формат. Якщо ...
Population of the UK
... the United Kingdom, including much of Scotland, Wales and the Pennine Chain in Northern England are very sparsely populated. The United Kingdom is inhabited by the English, the Scots, the Welsh, and the Irish who constitute the British nation. The British are the descendants of different peoples who ...
Интернет /english/
tworks are connected? Some estimates say over 30,-000. According to recent surveys, these networks connect over 10,000,000 computers and some 30,000,000 users throughout the world. It is estimated that the number of connected computers is doubling each year. What can people locate on the Internet? ...
Музеи /english/
rks were displayed for the public to see and enjoy. So, too, works of art could be seen in the temples of ancient Rome, as well as in the forums, gardens, baths, and theaters. In the villas of generals and statesmen, works of art and booty captured in wars were displayed for private enjoyment. The ...
Олег Табаков /english/
her idea and theatrical belief. Having grown and later orphaned in “Sovremennik”, he tried to create studios theatre with the incredible persistence in different periods of his life. He was starting his first business even in the times of his directorship in “Sovremennik”, was selecting the ...
Абсолютна величина дiсного числа
доведення поширюється на будь-яке число доданкiв. 2.Абсолютна величина рiзницi не менш нiж рiзниця абсолютних величин зменьшуваного i вiд’ємника: |х-у|³|х|-|у|, |х|>|у| ДОВЕДЕННЯ: Покладемо х-у=z,тодi х=у+z i по доведеному в пунктi 1 |х|=|у+z|£|у|+|z|=|у|+|х-у| Звiдки |х|-|у|£|х-у| ...
Романские времена в истории Великобритании /english/
... to unite—объединяться a scholar —ученый a code — свод законов INGLAND UNDER FOREIGN KINGS The Danes returned again and again to attack England. The English people had to pay tribute. But the Danes wanted to rule over the country and after many battles took the crown from the English. They held it ...
The UK education system
... must accept pupils on the selective basis with reference to aptitude or ability.In the UK childern are accepted to school on non-selective basis but it is not correct to my mind: intelligent,good, bright pupils must study with lazy and silly ? No. Lets take the Soviet education system as example.The
Обучение в московской школе /english/
... as the water in the river? I do not think so. Besides, I suppose, that it is impossible to have a good pronunciation without listening to the speech of English-speaking people. The most of pupils has no opportunity for travelling abroad or talking to foreigners in their motherland. That's why it is ...
Основні етапи розвитку обчислювальної техніки
... істю обчислень (пристрій управління); блок введення початкових даних і друку результатів (пристрої введення/виводу). III. Електромеханічний етап розвитку обчислювальної техніки є найменш тривалим і охоплює близько 60 років — від першого табулятора Г.Холлерита до першої ЕОМ “ENIAC”. В кінці XIX ст. ...
The Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions
... the Great Interrogating His Son" by Gay, "Hunters at Rest" by Perov were on display. They turned out to be masterpieces. The Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions existed till 1923. the well-known writer Saltikov-Shchedrin wrote a book about the members of the society. It was a unique organization, ...
Illumination in Bonaventure’s Epistemology
... and others being on their way to become Saints. I see that it is, without a doubt, also an experience of Bonaventure himself. Having said this, let us gather some more information on illumination presented in seven consequent steps but looking at the theory expressed only in Chapter II: We may ...
Загадки Якутии /english/
eafter they began to be ill. And those people, who ventured to sleep some nights in succession there, died. The name of the district - Eluu Cherkechekh that means the “Valley of the death” in translation from Yakut language, is namely issued from the stated above tenses. Boilers of the Hell ...
Аэрозоль /Укр./
в кг/рік   природніх Антропогенних О3 1.8*1012 Мало СО3 7.2*1013 1.4*1012 Н20 4.5*1017 9*1012 СО 1.8*1011 S N 1.3*1011 1.4*1012 6.8*1010 1.8*1010 Актуальність проблеми можливого впливу аерозолей на клімат визвала великий інтерес до цієї проблеми і породила цілу серію ...
Крылатые латинские выражения
ему сделал (Сирус). По одному преступлению суди(узнавай) о других (Вергилиус). Кто спорит с пьяным, тот воюет с отсутствующим (Сирус). Кто быстро выносит решение, может быстро раскаяться (Сирус). Пользуйся жизнью, потому что плывет она быстротекущим течением (Сенека). Чужим добром щеголяет тот, ...
