3. Make an outline of the paragraph.

Some people write amusing letters and are thought to have a flair for writing. How do you account for this? What is essential for one who "writes for a living"?

Write a definition to the word. You may use any definition structure:
a tricycle

Give no less than five reasons to support the statement:
Children should not begin their formal education at a very early age.

Give the Russian equivalent to the English word combination:
the following statement

Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету


Билет № 28

The middle class embraces a range of people from senior professionals, … judges, senior medical specialists and senior civil servants, through to clerical workers – …., almost all people who earn their living in a non-manual way.
1. Choose two of the linking words and expressions to fill in the blanks in the paragraph.
In addition, on average, for example, as a result, in other words.
2. Write a formal definition of middle class.
3. Which of the following jobs belong to the middle class people?
Barrister, soldier, hairdresser, architect, professor, typist, surgeon, plumber.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.

The sense of humour must be singled out as man’s most important quality because it is associated with laughter. And laughter, in turn, is associated with happiness. Courage, determination, initiative – these are qualities we share with other forms of life. But the sense of humour is uniquely human. If happiness is one of the great goals of life, then it is the sense of humour that provides the key.
1. Find and write out an example of argumentation. Identify the opinion and argument.
2. Write a formal definition of the sense of humour.
3. What type of relationship do the underlined words express?
The ability to laugh is a luxury for (1) unlike (2) any other bodily process, laughter doesn’t seem to serve a biologically useful purpose.

One can do science because one believes that practically and effectively it benefits the world. One can also do science because one enjoys it. What choice would you make? Explain why.

Write a definition to the word. You may use any definition structure:
a bicycle

Give no less than five reasons to support the statement:
The most important in life is the career.

Give the Russian equivalent to the English word combination:
the underlined word

Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету


Билет № 29

A person convicted in a magistrates’ court may appeal against its decision to the Crown Court. An appeal against a decision of the Crown Court may be taken to the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division), but it is seldom successful. The Court of Criminal Appeal dislikes overturning a Crown Court decision unless the evidence is overwhelming or there has been some error of legal procedure. The highest court in the land is the House of Lords, which will consider a case referred from the Court of Appeal where a point of general public importance seems to be at stake. In practice the Lords are represented by five or more of the nine Law Lords.
1. Write in suitable words and expressions.
2. List the conditions on which the Court of Criminal Appeal overturns a decision of a Crown Court.
3. Write a definition of the House of Lords answering the question: How does it function as a court?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. The end justifies the means.

Even though the procedures followed to enroll in an American university vary according to each university, some steps are the same. First, you should contact the registration office of the university you want to attend to get the necessary forms and information concerning that particular university’s entrance requirements. Then you must follow the steps outlined in their response. You will probably have to send copies of your high school diploma, get letters of recommendation, and write an essay on why you want to study there. You may have to achieve a certain score on the TOEFL test and have you scores forwarded to that university. Finally, you will have to contact the American Embassy to start the procedures to obtain a student visa.
1. Is the topic sentence strong or weak?
Identify the topic and the controlling idea.
2. The paragraph describes a process. Identify the markers of stages of the process.

Информация о работе «Сборники вопросов и билетов по английскому и немецкому языку за первый семестр 2001 года»
Раздел: Иностранный язык
Количество знаков с пробелами: 695663
Количество таблиц: 0
Количество изображений: 27

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